Chapter 39

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Your POV:
About two hours have passed and me and Lyra are trying to conjure up a plan.

"So Y/N, I will bang on the cell door and hopefully a stormtrooper will be there when it opens." Lyra looks at me then continues "You will then attack the stormtrooper, giving us a way out. Is that a good plan?"

I frantically nod my head. "I think it's a great plan. I just hope it works"

Lyra gets up off the floor and walks over to the cell door. "You ready?" She asks.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I answer back. With that, Lyra bangs on the cell door, hopefully getting someone's attention.

We hear a jingle of keys coming our way so Lyra steps to the wall at the side of the door. The stormtrooper walks in, looking around confused.

As soon as he is fully stood in the cell, I take him out with my bare fist. God these stormtroopers are just too weak, the empire needs better security.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts when I here Lyra talking to me.

"Come on Y/N! We have to get out of here!" She shouts. We run out of the cell room and back down the strange looking corridors again.

"Do you know your way around this place?" I ask Lyra in concern. She doesn't answer and just pulls me with her.

As we rounded one corner, the star destroyer started to shake. This is not a good sign. We run faster and faster, until we reach a dead end.

Stormtroopers come flooding in the room and were surrounded. "Set blasters for stun" one stormtrooper said in a monotone voices.

I close my eyes bracing myself for what they were planning on doing. But it never came. I hear a lightsaber ignite and attack the stormtroopers.

When it is quiet, I look up straight into the familiar blue eyes of someone I have missed greatly. Luke.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now