Chapter 33

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Your POV:
I am really tired from all that has happened today so I decided to get some sleep.

"Hey Luke, I think I'm gonna head off to sleep" I say. "Okay Y/N. Goodnight" he says.

"Goodnight Luke" I say and as I'm walking away to our camp I hear him quietly say "I love you Y/N" which made me smile.

Time SKIP brought to you by me being super tired from my dance show last night

Everything is silent and the atmosphere was desolate. Not a bad feeling though, it gave a relaxing feeling. I soon start to drift off to sleep.

I was in some sort of room, quite dark and unnerving. Was this another death star?

I hear a laugh coming from behind me. I look around and I am facing someone in a black robe which nearly completely covered his face.

"Miss Y/N what a surprise. I didn't expect someone as weak as you to be sent to kill me." He says.

"I wasn't sent to kill you. I decided that myself" I reply. He laughs again.

"You know miss Y/N you could join us on the dark side and become more powerful than you can possibly imagine"

I think for a second. "No! I will never join the dark side! I will never join you" I shout at him.

He laughs at me once more. "Well then. Maybe your little friend will. Bring him in!" He says.

Behind me I hear a door open which makes me turn around. From the shadows emerges Vader with someone else.


"Oh no Luke!" I shout to get his attention. He looks at me with sad eyes but doesn't respond.

"Young Skywalker. You will join the dark side or be killed. Make your decision" the hooded figure says.

Luke knelt down on the floor infromt of the hooded figure. "I will learn the ways of the dark side." He says.

"No Luke you can't! Don't do this please!" I shout but he ignores me.

"You made the right decision son" Vader says. The hooded figure looks at me again and then turns to Luke.

"If you wish to join us, you must first compete a small task. You must kill miss Y/N" he says to Luke who replies with "yes master".

Luke walks over to me with no expression on his face. He stands in front of me and I shake my head at him. "Why? How could you" I say saddened.

"I'm sorry Y/N" he says and with that, he ignites his lightsaber and stabbed me straight through the heart.

I wake up breathing heavily. What just happened?

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now