Chapter 21

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Your POV:
After Lando showed us to a big, beautiful room, he left us to get changed. On the beds in the room, a beautiful white dress was laid out for me.

 On the beds in the room, a beautiful white dress was laid out for me

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After I was ready, I let my H/C flow down my back. After I wanted to forget about my old life I decided to change my appearance.

Now that I am finished, I went back in to the main room and am greeted by Han and Leia.

"Well look at you kid. I'm sure Luke would love to see you in that" Han said which made me turn a deep shade of red. "Oh stop it Han. Your embarrassing her" Leia adds.

We talk for what seems like ages until we are interrupted when we hear a faint noise, indicating that someone must have entered the room. It was Lando.

"Were having dinner soon. I was just wondering if you would join us?" Lando asked. Who was 'us'?

Before I could ask him, Han buts in. "Sure. Of course well join you, but is the falcon ready?". "My men are having a few difficulties but I'm sure she'll be ready in no time at all" Lando replies.

A few seconds of silence passed. "Shall we be going then?" Lando asked. Han nodded and we all set off.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Sorry guys just a quick authors note.

I hope you are enjoying my story so far. It has over 300 reads which I am thankful for.

My chapters are a bit short but the more the merrier.

Love you all.

May the force be with you.

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