Chapter 13

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Sorry just a quick authors note.

I realise that I haven't been updating lately so I'm sorry for that. Im trying my best to fit it in during my spare time.

Your POV:
"I'm going after him" I say. "No Y/N you can't. You'll die out there. You won't last long in that cold." Han said.

Maybe he's right. My clothes are not the best thing to wear either. I'm wearing a long sleeve white top and gray pants. It can sometimes get a bit too cold on Hoth apparently, however I don't have a thermal coat.

"I'll go look for him. I don't want to loose anyone else" Han says. Loose anyone else? Who says we lost Luke. Could he still be alive.

Han jumps on to the creature I learned was called a tauntaun and got ready to go out into the freezing cold. "I'll bring lover boy back Y/N. I promise you that" Han says. With that he rides out of the base out into the blizzard. Oh I hope him and Luke will be alright.

Luke's POV:
After escaping from the wampa, I rush out into the blizzard. It's too cold to be out here.

My legs grow tired and I become weak. I try to get as far as I can but soon fall into the deep snow. "Luke you will go to the dagobah system and train with master yoda" a voice says. I look up "Ben?". Soon after, my body I completely frozen but I see a figure coming towards me on a tauntaun. It's Han.

All of a sudden, all I see is darkness.

Han's POV:
I get closer to Luke and notice he is unconscious. I'm not supprised due to this weather. I jump off my tauntaun and crouch down to check on Luke. He still has a pulse...for now.

Suddenly, my tauntaun collapses dead in the snow. Great this is the worst idea I have ever had.

I make my way over to Luke and drag him to the dead tauntaun. I take Luke's lightsaber and use it to cut open the tauntaun. The smell is horrible, I just feel sorry for Luke. I put Luke inside the dead tauntaun. It was the only way to keep him warm.

The smell is even worse now "and I thought they smelled bad...on the outside" I say. Who knows how long I'm gonna be stuck out here.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now