Chapter 22

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Your POV:
We are walking down the halls when we come to a stop. Oh we must be here already.

"I just made a deal that will keep the empire out forever" Lando says. What is this deal he is talking about.

I soon find out as the door starts to open. Across the room stood non other than Darth Vader himself. Oh no. I'm in big trouble now.

"I'm sorry. I just did what was best for my people"Lando innocently says. "Yeah...Well I'm sorry too" Han replies. I just scowl at him, making him nervous.

We are forced to walk into the room and sit down at the table.

"Princess Leia and Han solo. What a lovely surprise. And what have we here? Miss Y/N...I didn't expect to see you ever again. Especially after you went against my orders" Vader said in his robotic voice.

We are doomed.

The room is now filled with stormtroopers. "Take solo and the princess to the cell. I'll deal with this one myself" Vader says gesturing towards me.

Short time SKIP

Vader was in the middle of interrogating me. I felt awful. The pain made me feel like I would pass out.

"Tell me where Skywalker is and you and your friends will not be harmed" Vader said.

"I'll never tell you where he is" I say with venom in my voice. "He means a lot to you...doesn't he" he says more of a question. I will not answer him. He can't know how much Luke means to me.

"Fine. If you won't talk, then maybe Solo will" he says and with that everything went black...

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now