Chapter 60

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Your POV:

The next few days were spent planning for mine and Luke's wedding. Leia obviously wanted to get involved with the helping. Han on the other hand, well he really didn't have a choice. Luke made him help with his suit.

"What about that dress? That one looks nice." Leia points out. I look over it but shake my head. "It's too short. I want a longer one."

We continue browsing until I spot the one. I gasp and my eyes widen. I run my hand down the soft material.

"Leia, I think I found my dress."

Time Skip

After trying on and buying the dress, Leia and I both head home. Once I arrive back on Naboo, I enter our house but feel nothing but emptiness. I guess Luke isn't home then.

Suddenly, I feel cold, just like all those times before. I feel a strong pull, telling me to go to Tatooine. But why?

I quickly grab my weapons, running over to my ship. I dash to the cockpit, turning on the engine. In no time, I make the jump into hyperspace. I sit back, watching as the stars fly past in swift motion.

Once I arrive, I land my ship just outside of Mos Pelgo. I am quick to turn off my ships engine, walking slowly into the small desolate town. I keep my hand on my lightsaber, just in case I come face to face with any danger. It is Tatooine after all.

I hear shouting coming from one of the buildings so I dash towards where the shouts were coming from.

Upon entering, my eyes widen. A Mandalorian? I'm not the only one left!

"Hey! Who are you?" The Mandalorian asks me. Another man wearing Mandalorian armour also turns to me.

"I'm Y/N L/N. I used to be a Mandalorian." I inform the two. The other man stares at me in shock, as if he knows who I am.

"You're a jedi? I thought there were no jedi left." The Mandalorian says. I simply shake my head. "The jedi order is what's not left. However, there are a few jedi left." I tell him.

Suddenly, a large eruption shakes the whole building and the residents of the town all scream out in terror.

"What's happening?" I ask, making my way outside. The two others follow suite. However, my answer is shortly answered when a giant creature in the sand storms it's way over to us, destroying the land it moves beneath.

This is why the force brought me here. Not only have I found another Mandalorian, but I have to help kill the creature that has been tormenting this village for years.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now