Chapter 69

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Your POV:

After yesterday's events, Luke was finally able to calm down. He tried to get me to stay at home but I refused.

Today I will be teaching the younglings how to block an oncoming blaster fire.

I set up the droids which fire lasers, of course I have to make sure they are working and will not harm the children.

Once I finish setting up, I walk down the halls of the temple but stop once I hear a lightsaber ignition. I follow the sound cautiously but stop once I enter the room where the sound came from.

I see Cal, his double lightsabers ignited as he flips and trains in one of the many training rooms. I watch for a moment but he stops once he notices me watching.

"Oh, I'm sorry I startled you. It's just... I have only ever seen someone use duel lightsabers once before. It's mesmerising." I say in awe, causing Cal to laugh.

At the side of me, Cal's little droid beeps and climbs the side of my leg. I laugh as he latches onto me.

"Yeah I guess BD. He said that I should offer to teach you how to use duel lightsabers. You up for it?" Cal asks. My eyes widen and a huge smile plasters my face.

"Yes! That would be amazing! I'll meet you here after training the younglings later." I tell him, to which he nods, going back to his training.

I leave the room as giddy as a child, almost running down the halls to greet the younglings. They all smile at me as I enter, obviously excited to get started. This makes me more excited to be able to train my own child in due course.

"Hello Master Skywalker!" They chant.

"Good morning class. As you know, you will be learning how to block blaster fires." I tell them, turning on one of the droids. I place a helmet over my eyes and ignite my lightsaber. I block multiple hits before the droid stops.

The young children all stare in astonishment.

After a few tries of their own, a few of them successfully block a few hits but not all of them. I smile to myself knowing that they are all making good progress.

"You all did extremely well today class. Your next class is with Master Cere. Goodbye class." I say, waving them off as they leave.

My excitement kicks in as I remember that I am supposed to meet Cal in the training room to start duel lightsaber training.

I run down the hall after grabbing another lightsaber other than my own, stopping once I enter the room.

"Hey Y/N. You ready to start your training?" He asks with a smile to which I reply with a nod of the head.

"Okay then. Let's get started."

Time Skip

After a few hours of intense training, we finally stop for the day. However, Cal suggests that I try out what I have learned by facing the combat droids we have.

They turn on, all trying to attack me. I block their attacks, using my duel lightsabers with ease. I swerve from left to right swinging both the sabers in action.

Once I finish, I hear a clap behind me. Cal stands there clapping with a grin on his face. "That was amazing. You're almost perfect already." Cal says and BD-1 beeps in agreement.

"Thank you Cal. But I wouldn't be this great without your teaching." I thank him, helping clear up the room for the day.

Oh I have to show Luke sometime. He will be proud.

We're just savages//Luke Skywalker X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now