Chapter 2

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( This chapter is gonna be in first person from Makena view because I can't decide if I want to write 3rd person or 1st.)

We get back to the Chateau and after it gets dark out we go outside and have a bonfire. Me and Jj on one log, Kie on her own log, pope on his log, and John B on his.

  " I have to go home tonight." I whisper to JJ so that I won't disrupt the conversation the other pogues are having.

  " Just stay here, and then I'll drop you off tomorrow when I go to work." He says while his eyes are pleading for me to agree with him. I know he worries about me and it's sweet but I have to go.

   " You know the longer I stay away, the worse it'll be when I get back." I reply gently because I really don't want to go home.

   " I know but I just don't want you to get hurt...again" He says with a sad smile and his eyes cast down on me like I'm a small, abused and abandoned dog in an ASPCA commercial.

   " It won't be as bad as last time, I've only been gone 3 days, not 6." I explain, hoping that those words comfort him, but mostly me, because if I'm being honest, I'm terrified to go home.

   " I wish we didn't have to live like this." He states while throwing his arm over my shoulder as I snuggle into him.

  " Me too, JJ, me too." I say while I close my eyes for a second.

Time skip

It's around 10:30 when I ask John B and JJ to give me a ride back to my house.

" Yeah just give me a sec." John B says while he goes to grab his keys from inside the house.

   JJ, John B, and I finally arrive at my house 15 minutes later.

     " Thank you John B." I thank JB with a smile.

  " No problem Ken." He replies while smiling.

" I'll walk you to the door." JJ offers while he opens the car door for us.

  " ok." I say, the fear setting in more and more the closer we get to the house.

    As we walk up to the house I can hear the tv blaring. I know my dad's not asleep but part of me can't help but hope that he is.

    We finally get to the door and I turn to JJ and stare at him for a second, almost crying.

    " Hey, it'll be okay." He says to me, trying to comfort me but his sad eyes give  away that he isn't so sure about what he says.

    I rush and give him a hard hug, squeezing as hard as I can. He hugs back just as hard. After around 10 seconds I let go and look into his bright blue eyes for a second before speaking up.

    " Thanks, but you should go and I should get inside before he sees us out here." I tell him.

     " Yeah, I'll pick you up tomorrow?" He asks.

" Yeah, definitely. Goodnight JJ." I say this while pulling my keys out of my backpack.

" Night, MJ." He says, turning around and getting into the van.

     I wave bye at JB before turning around and going inside. Looking back at them one last time before closing the door and setting my things down on the table.

      " Where the hell have you been?" My father asks too calmly, so calm that it's scary.

      " Just with Kie." I say, hoping that I would get away with the partial lie.

     " You Lying Now?!" He asks, yelling now. " I saw those boys out there! you're such a slut, hanging out with all those boys all day, you fucking all of them or just the blonde one I saw on the porch!?" He asks, stomping towards me.

My eyes start to water but I refuse to let him see me cry right now.

" I'm not sleeping with any of them dad." I try to explain, backing up.

" I'm tired of you fucking lying! Are you at least sleeping with them for drugs or you so stupid that you didn't think about that!?" He screams, stomping toward me until my backs against the wall.

     " I'm sorry dad." I say back, waiting for him to hit me.

   " Damn right your sorry, it's all your fault, if she wasn't on the way to get your druggie ass, she would still be here!" He yells, raising his fist to hit me.

    I see his arm draw back and come towards me as if it was in slow motion. I squeeze my eyes closed and anticipate the force of his punch.

Then I feel it. He hits me right in the eye. I fall to the floor and cover my face with my hands while sobbing when I feel his foot connect with my stomach not once, not twice, but 4 times. I'm fully laying on the floor in a fetal position, no longer worried about my eye. I hear him walk back to the couch and open another beer.

    " Fuck you." I whispered while slowly standing up and starting walking to my room.

" Fuck did you say bitch!?" He yells, while throwing the beer at me, It barely misses my head.

    I run to my room and lock the door. Luckily I felt my phone in my back pocket, so that I didn't have to go back out there. I pull it out and start to text JJ.

Pick me up from my bedroom window tomorrow, please. I tell him.

yes ma'am :)  He responds. I chuckle slightly but stop when a tear rolls down my cheek.

I smile sadly, thinking about JJ before I pass out on my bed.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading, please vote if you like it. Please comment because they literally make my day! I love you!

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