Chapter 5

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Pope, John B, and I walk onto the beach, surf boards in hand.

    " It's double overhead out there, bro." John B yells out over the sirens and the loud crashing of the waves onto the shore.

     " Double overhead?" Pope and I ask.

We look out into the water to see massive waves coming in.

     " Those aren't surfable waves, bro." Pope tells us, looking at us like we're crazy.

   " Says who?" John B says, while laughing, I chuckle along with him.

   John B and I run into the water and start to surf the surge, which is crazy but fun.

  After a while we stop, just sitting on our boards, when we both see a small boat.

  " What the hell?" JB and I ask at the same time.

After that, we both go back to the Chateau.

I end up sleeping on the pullout couch with JJ, John B falls asleep in his room.

Time Skip to the morning.

I wake up before anyone else, only to find out that we don't have power, or service. I found that out when I looked in the fridge for some milk to make a bowl of cereal, only to find warm, expired, milk. Then I found out that we didn't have service when I tried to text Kie to find out if she had power or milk. Then I gave up trying to eat and lied back down on the couch with JJ, and decided to read a book that I brought with me.

A few minutes later

" Morning." I said to John B as he walked out of his room.

   " Morning." He responds, groggily.

" Yo JJ, you been outside?" John B asks, while slapping JJ's leg to wake him up.

     " I have polio bro, I can't walk." JJ says jokingly.

   " If you had polio, you wouldn't have been able to kick me multiple times last night." I say to JJ while sarcastically patting his back.

    " My bad." He says, groaning.

John B goes outside and JJ soon follows. I get up and decide to get dressed.

I put on a white tank top, jean shorts, and my black and white checkered vans. I also brush my hair and my teeth, put my hair in a bun, and before going back outside with the boys. Only to find out we are going fishing, I don't mind fishing, but I just don't want to today.

Still I don't complain because John B is letting me stay at his house, so if he says that we are going fishing, then we're going fishing.

Time Skip

" Sure hope Guffy's boat didn't sink, he doesn't have insurance." JJ says.

     " Yeah." John B and I say at the same time.

" Hi, Miss Amy! You guy's get through it?" John B asks Miss Amy.

     " Still here." She replies with a slight smile.

" Hard core hurricane surge, we're gonna we cleaning this all summer." JJ says, I groan just thinking about having to help them clean it, I always get roped into helping even though it's not my job, but theirs.

     " That is my nightmare." John B replies. I chuckle slightly, only because I don't have to do most of it.

" Shut up, you have to help too." They both tell me.

       " Um, no I don't, my job is at The Wreck, serving people their food, and barely getting tipped for it." I reply, putting my sunglasses on and leaning back in my seat.

After a few more minutes, we finally get to Pope and his dad's dock.

     " Well, look who we have here." John B says while JJ whoops and I laugh at them.

" We have a safety meeting. Attendance Mandatory. " John B says into his shirt, pretending to have a radio there.

     " I can't, my pop's got me on lockdown." Pope tells us while spraying debris off the dock with a hose.

     JJ gets up and stands at the front of the boat.

     " Come on man. Your dad's a pussy. Over." He says, also pretending to have a radio. I laugh but slap his arm.

    " Be nice." I fake warn him, still chuckling.

  " I am." He smiles back.

" Oh, I heard that, you little bastard." Heyward tells JJ.

     " Sorry sir." I say, apologizing for JJ.

" We need your son." John B tells Heyward.

   " Yeah, and island rules, day after a hurricane's a free day." JJ tells Heyward.

" Yeah." I add.

    " Who the hell made that up?" Heyward asks.

" Uh, Pentagon, I think. We have security clearance, I have a card." JJ tells him, then reaches in his pocket and pretends to pull out a card.

   " Ya'll think I'm stupid?" Heyward asks.

" I'll do it tomorrow, I promise. Tomorrow." Pope tells his dad, and starts to put his hose down.

     " No, no, no. Hell no, you doin' it right now."

" Get in the boat." John B whispers.

     " come on, get in." I tell him quietly.

" Make a run for it, bro, make a run for it." JJ adds.

Pope gets in the boat.

    " Go,go,go!" JJ yells at John B.

Time skip

When we pull up to Kiara's dock, I am sitting opposite JJ on the sides of the boat, Pope is sitting in the bow with his feet in the water and JB is driving.

   " Top of the morning to you." John B says.

" Morning boys, and girl." Kie greets with a cooler in her hand.

    " Good morning Kie." I reply.

" Whatcha got there?" Pope asks her.

    " Got some juice boxes?" JJ asks.

" Oh, you know just some yogurts, carrot sticks."

   " How about our kind of juice boxes?" He asks, gesturing to me and him before helping Kie onto the boat.

     " Yeah." Kie answers.

" That's why you're my favorite." I tell her, smiling. She chuckles and smiles back.

    " I thought I was your favorite?" JJ asks in a fake sad voice with his hand over his heart.

" You know I love you." I tell him.

( She says I love you to all of them so it's not weird)

We all open a beer and say salud to each other.

A/N: Thank you so much for reading, please vote if you like it. Comment please, it makes my day and I want to know what you guys think of the story. I love you!

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