Chapter 37

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We get to the Chateau and JJ helps me carry my bags inside. We go to JB's spare room and unpack all my clothes and set up the rest of my stuff. We finally finish unpacking at 12:30 Am.

" It's official, I illegally live here now." I say joking.
" It is. From here on out, we have our own room." JJ says flopping down on the bed.
" Who is this we? I have my room; you can have the pullout." I say, laying down next to him.
" Cold, very cold." JJ says, putting his hand over his heart in mock hurt.
" I'm kidding. You can stay in here with me." I say, then I quickly peck his cheek.
    " Why thank you." He says in a British accent. Rolling over onto his stomach.

We lay in silence for awhile, enjoying to peace. I stare at the ceiling and he stares at the wall.

" Hey." JJ says, breaking the silence.
" Yeah?" I ask turning my head to look at him.
" Don't freak out, but John B's in the hospital, he broke his arm falling from the Hawks nest." JJ explains, propping himself up on his arm to look at me.
" What? How did he fall from the hawks nest?" I ask, worried. I also prop myself up on my arm.
      " He and Sarah Cameron were talking and Topper found them and shoved John B, but the railing was rotted so when he hit it, it broke and he fell." JJ explain calmly.
     " I'm gonna kill Topper, I'm gonna rip his stupid head off." I explain.
    " While normally I'd agree, you are too injured to do that." He says, seriously. He looks at my arms and legs and I immediately go to cover them.
" Too late now, already seen them." He says, sitting up and pulling me with him.
    " Sit here, I'll be right back." JJ explains, getting up and walking out of the room.
     JJ comes back with the first aid kit and stand in front of me.
     " Give me your arm." He says, opening the first aid kit.
     I put my arm out and he grabs the rubbing alcohol and a q-tip. He dips the Q-tip in the alcohol and then dabs it on one of the cuts on my arm. I hiss in pain.
     " Sorry." He says.

15 minutes later ( 1 Am)

" All done." He says, as he finishes putting band aids over all of my cuts.
     " Thank you." I say, pulling my shirt back on, I had to take it off so he could get the ones on my back.
      " No problem. Now let's go to sleep, it's getting late." JJ says, putting the first aid kit on the dresser, then laying in bed next to me.
      " I gotta turn off the light." I say, about to get up.
      " I got it." He says, getting up and turning the light off, then climbing back in bed.
I cuddle up next to JJ, and he wraps his arm around me while I rest my head on his chest. We lay in silence for a minute before I speak up.
" Did they read their letter?" I ask quietly, referring to the letter I wrote the Pogues.
" No, I was the first one to come back here." He explains.
" Don't do that again." JJ says.
" Do what?" I ask, looking up at him.
" Try to leave us." He says.
" I won't." I say.
" I'm serious, I was worried, you scared me. Promise me you won't." He says, looking down at me.
      " I promise." I tell him.
" I love you." JJ says.
      " I love you too." I say. I kiss him gently before putting my head back on his chest.
      " Goodnight." He whispers.
" Goodnight." I whisper.
      I rest my arm over his arm which is on my waist.
      I stare at him for a while, admiring how beautiful he is as the moon light comes through the window and highlights his messy blonde hair. I listen to his light snoring and his heartbeat. After a few minutes I finally let  sleep wash over me.

Time skip to next morning

I wake up to the sun shining in my face, and JJ kicking me in the leg.
" Ow." I mumble, slowly getting up, feeling the pain from JJ's kick and everything that happened with my dad.
I quietly limp toward the dresser and take 2 Advil tabs with some water. I check my phone to see it's only 10:30 Am.
" What're you doin?" I hear JJ say loudly, causing me to jump slightly.
" Shit." I say, calming down.
" Just getting some pain meds." I say walking back to the bed.
" How do you feel?" JJ asks, sitting up.
" Peachy." I reply, sarcastically.
     " How'd you sleep?" I ask.
" Fine, but you snore, a lot." JJ says while smirking.
     " Shut up. You kicked me." I say, chuckling.
" I kicked you so you would shut up." JJ says, laughing.
     " Jerk." I say, pretending to be mad.
I get up and grab some clothes from the drawers and a towel from the closet.
     " What you doing?" JJ asks. I can feel his eyes on my ass.
     " Getting in the shower." I explain, looking back at him.
     " Can I join?" He asks, excitedly.
" In your dreams, pretty boy." I tease before walking toward the bathroom.
    " Rude." I hear him say while chuckling.
I get in shower, I can feel the pain meds working. I try to get out of the shower quickly, because the longer I'm in there, the more time I have to think about what happened yesterday, and I don't want to think about it, or talk about it, or do anything related to it, because the last time I tried to work through it, I had a mental breakdown, and it was embarrassing.
      I finish my shower and dry off quickly, before putting my clothes on. I put on a blue t-shirt I stole from JJ, black biker shorts, and my black and white Chuck Taylors. I put my hair up in a ponytail and brush my teeth.
    I grab my stuff and go back to the room to see JJ still in bed.
     " Are you hungry?" I ask.
" Yeah, you?" He asks.
     " Yes, wanna go to The Wreck? I have an employee discount and a little cash left from my last check." I ask him, my stomach growling as I talk.
    " Sure." He says, jumping out of bed and going towards the closet. I watch as he takes his grey t-shirt off. I admire his abs and arms until he grabs a grey tank top and goes to put it on.
    " Take a shower first, cochino." I say, laughing.
     " Shut up, I'm not dirty." JJ replies, chuckling.
     " Oh yeah, when's the last time you showered?" I ask. JJ's face changes and I can tell he's trying to remember.
     I wait 3 seconds.
" Exactly, go, hurry up." I saw, pointing towards the door of the room.

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