Chapter 15

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( in-between the first and second episode, I'm making a half day because the second episode opens with it being morning but it was still afternoon at the end of the first episode)

We left the dock and went back to the Chateau. Soon after Pope and Kie went home, and John B was in his head about the compass. For a while JJ and I just sat on the couch together but then I went to the porch to get some fresh air. Soon after JJ came outside.

" What's wrong?" JJ asks.

" Nothing." I tell him.

" You sure?" He asks.

" I'm sure." I tell him.

We sit in silence for a few minutes, my head against his shoulder, his arm around my waist.

" So, you never told me what exactly happened with your dad the other night." He says.

" Same thing as always." I semi-lie. It's semi because he has never tied me to a chair and burned me before, but it's also partly the truth because he has kicked the shit out of me before.

" Really? Because I have never seen these marks before." He says, unwrapping his arm from my waist, grabbing my arm and pointing to the burn marks, and then points to the rope burns next to them.

" Maybe you just weren't paying attention." I retort.

" Don't give me that, if you really don't wanna talk about it then fine, but ever since that night, you've changed, you're a little more in your head, slightly quieter." He tells me.

Truth be told, I do want to talk about it, but I don't want to burden anyone with my problems, because they are exactly that, MY problems. It's not anyone else's fault that I caused my mother's death and now my father hates me, it's mine. But I also know that JJ will give it up, but only for a few days before bothering me about it again, so I decide to come clean.

" Fine, I'll tell you, but you can't tell anyone else." I tell him.

" When have I ever told anyone else about what happens with your dad, or my dad?" He asks rhetorically.

" You have a point." I tell him, and he smiles a bit, which makes me smile.

" Anyway, well let's see. I got in through my window and went to sleep for a bit before I heard banging on the door." I tell him, looking at the floor instead of him. I catch a sad look on his face from the corner of my eye.

" Then he broke the door down with a bat. I tried to get out from the window because he was blocking the door, but he pulled me back in before I could get out, and I hit my head on the window sill." I tell him, then I pause, but only for a second, and in that second, JJ grabs my hands and squeezes them.

" I started trying to get out of his grip and in the process I kicked his shin, he didn't take to that too kindly, so he knocked me out." I tell him. I really don't want to tell him this next part but at the same time, I do. I just don't want him to get homicidal. I currently have his gun, but I know he could find a way without it.

" Before I tell you this next part, you have to promise me you won't freak out again." I tell him.

" I promise that I'll at least wait until you finish telling me what happened before I freak out." He says, giving me a small smile.

" Good enough." I say back, chuckling, and he chuckles too.

" Well, I woke up tied to a chair. He then decided that beating the crap out of me wasn't enough, he had to do more, to 'Get me to learn my lesson'. " I tell him, putting finger quotes around the last 6 words.

" He said that if he couldn't beat the stupid out of me, he would burn it out, then he started to walk towards me with his cigarette." I start.

" Now, it's clear that I can't beat the stupid out of you, maybe I can burn it out?" He tells me, taking the cigarette out of his mouth.

" No, no, please no, please, I'll be good, I promise." I beg him, tears running down my face, arms and legs thrashing, trying to get out.

The memory I have been avoiding, crashes into me like a truck. I feel tears on my face and I hear my father's words echoing in my mind.

I am still in my head when JJ goes to wipe a tear from my face, but I flinch back , because right now, it's not JJ sitting next to me. Right now, it's not the sarcastic, flirty, blonde haired, blue-eyed, beauty that I know and love. Right now, It's my father, with his greasy brown hair, sweat filled face, and the sharp wedding ring on his finger.

" Get away, get away from me!" I scream, getting up and backing away.

" Makena, what's wrong?" I hear my father say, it sounds so unlike him, but it has to be him, I see my father right in front of me.

" I'm sorry! Please just leave me alone! I'll be better!" I sob, I see my father walk towards me slowly and I feel frozen with fear, but I still manage to scream.

" AHHHH! GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I scream at my father.

(JJ's POV)

Makena is screaming at me now.

" AHHH! GET AWAY! GET AWAY FROM ME!" She screams as I slowly walk towards her.

John B comes running out of the house.

" What the hell is going on?" He asks me, gesturing to Makena who is now on the floor sobbing into her hands.

" I don't know, we were talking about what happened with her dad then she started crying and when I tried to wipe a tear away, she flinched, then started screaming.

" Well, what do we do?" John B asks.

" How the fuck am I supposed to know?" I say to him.

A/N: Hi! I hope you're doing okay. Please vote if you liked this. Please comment because it makes my day and I like knowing what you guys think of the story. Thank you for reading, I Love You!

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