Chapter 64

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This chapter probably won't have any show content but you never know.

I run through the woods, and I can feel my legs burning. I look around and realize I'm deep in the woods, and the chances of the police finding me are slim to none so I slow to a walk. I already know where I'm going, and it shouldn't take me long to get there. I keep looking around to make sure no one is around and I keep my ears open for sirens.

Time skip

I stop in front of the fort, and just stare at it. It looks almost exactly the same as it did when we made it, only covered in leaves, a couple cobwebs, and a bit of dirt. The fairy lights we put up are still hanging, though I doubt they'll turn on. The pile of books is still on the corner, and the pillows and blankets are still laid out. I kneel down and crawl inside, and sit down on the blankets. I continue looking around and something in the corner catches my eye. I grab the picture and realize it's a polaroid of my mom and I, standing right outside of this fort from the day we built it. I can feel the pressure forming behind my eyes, and the tightness in my throat begins too. For the first time in a long time, I don't even try to fight it off.

I let the tears stream from my eyes, and I let my body jolt as sobs escape me. I miss her so much. Not a day goes by that I don't think of, or miss her.

" I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry." I whisper, holding the picture tighter.

" You didn't deserve this, and it's my fault you're gone. I did this, to you, to myself, to dad." I mumble in between sobs.

Time skip

I feel something crawl up my arm slowly. I open my eyes, and immediately squint from the bright morning sun. I look down and see an ant crawling on me. I quickly shake my arm and sit up. I look around and see the picture laying next to where my head was. I grab the picture and walk out of the fort. I look up at the sky and try to figure out what time it is.

I think it's around 11 AM. The humidity isn't crazy but it's getting bad, and the sun doesn't look like it's at its full height yet.

I feel weird being by myself, normally I'm surrounded by one person or another. I don't want to wait here by myself, but it's not like I have a way of communicating with the others to find out where they are. However, I do know JJ, and he's a pro at procrastinating, and I can almost guarantee that he has yet to get The Phantom.

I know exactly where it's stored, and while it's not a short walk from here, it'll be faster since I can just cut through the woods. I start walking towards the warehouse where the boat is stored, making sure I stay as deep in the woods as possible and listening out for cops and people just in case some weirdo looking for cash decides to check the woods.

Time skip

I can see the building, it's across the road. I take a step forward, out of the woods and suddenly a police siren sounds. I run back and hide behind a tree and poke my head out as a cop car speeds past far up the road. I sigh in relief and run across the road and into the warehouse.

I walk up to The Phantom. It's weird seeing such a legendary boat. This boat is what started the smuggling of weed onto the island. I look around to see if there is anything that can tell me what time it is. I spot a clock on the wall and see that it's 1:30. I still have like thirty minutes to an hour before JJ gets here. I hop into the boat and lay down. Even though I'm in the middle of the boat, no one can see me from outside the boat without either getting in or jumping to see into the boat, so it's safe enough.

I can feel the ache in my legs from my two and a half hour walk as I try to relax into the tarp. Eventually I feel sleep trying to overcome me, and I close my eyes and let it.

Time skip

I wake up to the metal door sliding open and I quickly open my eyes.

" There she be." JJ says in a pirate voice.

" Hey, girl." He greets the boat, and I hear him jog towards the boat and run his hand along the side.

" A 1983 Formula SR1." JJ says. " The Phantom." He adds in awe.

" Actually, she's a 1983 Formula 402 SR1." I say, standing up, making my presence known. "The first boat to make the run to Bermuda in under 16 hours. We wouldn't be smoking weed without her." I add, smirking at JJ as he looks at me in surprise.

JJ's face quickly morphs from confusion and surprise to excitement and happiness. I quickly jump off of the boat and run towards him. I jump up and he catches me as I wrap my legs around his torso. I wrap my arms around him and breath in his signature scent of salt water and weed. It feels like forever since I've been near him, when in reality I just saw him yesterday. JJ kisses me sweetly before pulling away.

" What are you doing here? You're supposed to be with John B." JJ asks in confusion, still holding me up by my thighs.

" I thought y'all could use the extra help." I say, playfully as JJ gently puts me back down on my feet.

Kiara and I quickly hug when we hear the side door open.

" Pope. Finally." Kiara says, quickly walking towards the door.

A/N: Hi! I am so so sorry for the long wait, and then it being a short chapter. I know I promised the next chapter by the end of that day and then proceeded to make y'all wait longer. I am already working on the next chapter as you read this. Thank you all for reading. Please don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT! Have an amazing day/night.

Pogue on Pogue- JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now