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Hi! I know it's been a minute and i'm sorry. I've been really busy with school and work. I just wanted to check in and let y'all know that I'm still going to write for this story.

Also, I can't wait for season 3!!! It drops in 42 minutes where I live and i'm so excited!! I know i just barely started writing for season 2 but hopefully i'll catch up soon. I also wanted to ask everyone who reads to please, at least, VOTE for the chapters that you read, it really helps boost the story but also it honestly just makes my day and makes me want to write. I love reading y'all's comments and seeing your reactions and votes, it really makes me happy and makes me feel inspired to write.

Anyway, I love y'all and i hope you have an amazing day or night wherever you are and i hope you get to watch season 3 when it drops where you are.

p.s. just in case you don't know, you vote by hitting the little star in the bottom left hand corner of the screen.

Pogue on Pogue- JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now