Chapter 51

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" Alright, we're gonna go at like 11 when it's dark so, I need to go change." John B says, standing up from the couch, and Sarah stands up with him.

     " Yeah, me too." Kiara adds, standing up.

" Same." Pope says, getting up.

     " Alright, see you in a bit." I say, as they walk out the door.

" See yeah in 2 hours, bro." JJ adds, leaning back into the couch.

      " Peace." Pope says as he closes the door behind himself.

" Alright, we have two hours to ourselves. What should we do?" JJ asks, smirking at me as he eyes me up and down, his eyes are full of lust.

      " No," I say, smiling at him, I know exactly what he's thinking.

" I'm gonna go take a nap, feel free to join me." I say, walking toward our bedroom, and belly flopping onto the bed.

     I can hear JJ walking toward me, when he flops on top of me.

" Ugh, you punk." I say, lightly pushing him off of me.

     " How rude, you just pushed me off." JJ says, dramatically.

" Whatever, dude." I say, chuckling.

      " Whatever your face." JJ says, childishly.

" Whatever Your face." I retort, sticking my tongue out at him.

      JJ and I laugh for a minute before calming down. I smile at him, and he is smiling back. These are my favorite moments, when we aren't being romantic or anything, I love those moments too, but when we are just messing around, being goofy best friends.

It reminds me of before everything happened with John B's dad, when everyone was just happier. I miss Uncle John too, he was my only father figure after my dad changed, and he was one before too. He used to treat me like a daughter and try to take care of me, even though he didn't have to. He would help me with my homework, and he would take all us pogues out to get ice cream in the summer, and he would always tell the boys to look out for me and Kiara. I don't talk about it much, because John B doesn't really like to talk about it, and it's obviously way harder on him than any of us.

     " What are you thinking about, your face looks all nostalgic?" JJ asks.

" Just you, and about before Big John went missing." I say, smiling at JJ.

     " Mhm, well, do you wanna talk about it?" JJ asks.

" No, wanna just take a nap now?" I ask, yawning.

     " Yes, I'm still so tired." JJ says, yawning too.

We lay down beside each other, my head resting on his chest, his arm around my shoulder, and I let sleep take over.

I can see Rafe laying on the floor, covered in his own blood. I don't stop hitting him, even though his blood covers my hands, and splatters onto my face, I just keep going. I love the way hitting him makes me feel. I feel powerful, like nothing can stop me as I beat this man to a pulp, and I love that I can do this to him, I love that I'm stronger than him. I like knowing that I'm causing him pain, that he's hurt, all because of me. I have a sadistic smile across my face, and I laugh as he cries and begs for me to stop, for someone to help him, but there's no one around. I look up and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, but it's my father looking back at me. His thin, greasy hair stuck to my forehead, his sharp wedding ring on my hand. I immediately feel sick to my stomach, but I can't control my actions, I just keep hitting Rafe, while looking at myself in the mirror. I'm screaming, trying to get myself to stop, but the face in the mirror just keeps smiling.

" Wake up!"  Someone yells, but there is no one else around, the voice sounds familiar but I can't focus on it.

      " Baby, Wake up!" They yell again.

" C'mon, get up!"

I wake up as JJ nudges me, telling me to wake up. I immediately feel like crying, I just saw my dad, it was in my head, but I still had to see him, why can't he just leave me alone? Why is he still punishing me?

     " You're okay. It was just a nightmare, you're okay." JJ comforts me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and rubbing my arm.

" Why won't he leave me alone?" I ask, more to the universe than anyone.

     " I don't know baby, I don't know." JJ says quietly.

We sit in comfortable silence while tears quietly stream down my face until I can no longer cry.

     " You okay?" JJ asks softly, his face riddled with worry.

" I'm alright." I say, hugging JJ.

     " Are you sure? You were yelling and crying." JJ asks, looking down at me.

" Yeah, I'm sure." I say, slowly pulling away.

     " Okay, well we should probably start getting ready, JB and them should be back soon." JJ says, sitting up on the edge of the bed.

" Yeah." I agree, getting up.

     I change into an black, faded Mötley Crüe band tee, and black, ripped jeans, along with my old, dirty, black and white Chuck Taylors. JJ changes into a dark colored shirt and shorts, and he puts on a hoodie. I decide to grab a black hoodie too, just in case.

     John B and Pope told us what we needed to bring before they left. JJ and I are responsible for flashlights, and I forgot what everyone else was supposed to bring. I go to the hall closet and pull out 6 flashlights, one for each of us. Just as I put them into my mini backpack, I hear John B beeping the van, calling us to come out.

    " Perfect timing." JJ says, opening the front door and gesturing for me to walk through it.

" After you." JJ says, smiling.

    " Why thank you." I say, walking out toward the van.

A/N: Thank you for reading, Please don't forget to Vote and Comment.

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