Chapter 45

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TW: Mentions of kinks

" So, where am I going?" JJ asks, as we drive past the gas station.

" Well, we are going to the boneyard, but we gotta make a stop first." I say, leaning my hand out of the window.

" Why do we need to make a stop?" JJ asks, looking at me.

" For beer, and chips." I answer, smiling at him.

" My girl." JJ says, chuckling as we pull into the liquor store parking lot.

Time skip

" I'm surprised no one's here." JJ says as we set all of our things down.

" Well, it is only 3pm, so it's not quite party time yet." I say, laying down the blanket so we can eat.

JJ and I sit down and I grab my bag.

" For the entrée, you have two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a side of..." I say, while looking into the shopping bag that has the chips. I look JJ's choice which was the Dorito's.

" Nacho Cheese Dorito's." I finish, handing him his chips.

" Ah, fine dining." JJ says sarcastically, grabbing his chips.

" Only the best for you." I reply, grabbing my stuff and sitting down.

We eat in comfortable silence, just listening to the waves and birds.

" So, aren't first dates about getting to know one another?" JJ asks, putting his sandwich down.

" Yes, normally they are." I answer, putting my empty sandwich bag back in my backpack.

" But we already know almost everything about each other." JJ points out.

" Very true, but there has to be a couple of things we don't know about each other. Things that someone would only tell there significant other." I say, grabbing two beers.

" You might be right." JJ admits as I toss him a beer.

" I'm always right." I say, chuckling.

" Yeah, sure you are." JJ says, rolling his eyes while opening his drink.

" Whatever, dork." I say, smiling at him while taking a sip of my beer.

" So, wanna play 20 questions?" JJ asks me, putting his sandwich back in the bag.

" Sure. You ask first." I say, leaning back on my elbows.

" Okay. What's your favorite memory?" He asks, copying me and leaning back on his elbows.

" Um. My favorite memory..." I repeat, thinking about what it is.

" It's a tie, between two." I answer, sadly smiling just thinking about them.

" Well, tell me them both then." JJ prods, smiling at me.

" Well one is of the first day of 5th grade. It was you, John B, and me, and we were at recess, you two were on the swings, and I was a few feet away, looking for more rocks for my rock collection." I say, pausing for air.

" I remember that, you used to threaten us when we would mess with you by saying that you would hit us with the rocks." JJ says laughing.

" Yeah, well, anyways. I was holding some rocks when some boy came up to me, and knocked them out of my hand, and he called me weird for collecting rocks. You two jumped off the swings and walked over to us. JB and you told him to pick up the rocks and hand them back to me, to apologize, and then you told him that if he even looked my way again, that you were gonna beat the living shit out of him. Then he started crying and you guys had to sit out from recess for a whole week." I say, laughing.

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