Chapter 11

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( So this is a continuation of the previous chapter because that one got really long, so this is still the day I invented between the kegger and the DCS stuff)

I wake up once again. My eyes fly open and I try to sit up but it hurts too much and I fall back down. I realize I'm on the pullout couch, and everyone is sitting around me.

John B is on the bed next to me, Kie on the floor next to the couch, Pope is sitting on the coffee table next to JJ. I immediately try to cover my arms and legs with the blanket even though it's hot as fuck.

" It's no use, we have already seen them." John B tells me, pulling the blanket off.

" How did I get in here?" I ask them, looking at each one of them.

" I heard you and when I came to the door, you were on the floor." JB explains.

I am really embarrassed by this. I feel like I always need someone else's help, whether it's JB or JJ, It's like I can never be okay by myself and I hate it.

" I'm sorry." I choke out, I'm crying from the pain and from the embarrassment.

" You don't have to apologize, it's not your fault." Kie speaks up.

" I'm gonna kill him, I'm serious this time, I'm gonna fucking slit his throat, no better yet, I'm gonna do everything he has ever done to you to him, and then slit his throat!" JJ yells out, I flinch, and this time it doesn't go unnoticed.

Kie grabs my arm to calm me down when JB stands up.

" Calm down JJ, she needs our help, your help, and you can't help her when you're like this." John B tells JJ, and it works, JJ is now on the bed next to me.

" What time is it?" I ask.

" 10 AM." Pope tells me.

" I'm hungry." I say.

" We don't have food." Kie tells me.

" I know, go in my bag and grab the money." I tell her.

" No, that's yours, I'll go buy something for us to eat." Kie says, standing up.

" Just listen to me, the money was going to be used for grocery's anyway, so grab the money, go to the store, buy some groceries and bring them back." I tell her sternly.

" Fine." She says, giving in and grabbing my bag.

" C'mon Pope, John B." Kie says, calling the boys to go with her.

" Get actual food, not just snacks!" I yell as they walk out the door.

" Yes Mom!" Pope yells back, making me chuckle, only for a second though because I feel like my entire body is on fire when I chuckle.

JJ and I sit in silence for a minute, I try to avoid looking at him, but eventually I do. He keeps looking at his legs, then at me sadly, then back to his legs.

I grab his hand.

" It's not your fault JJ." I tell him, trying to convince him with a small smile.

" Yes it is, if I had said something, anything, last night, you wouldn't have gone home, and this wouldn't have happened." He tells me, squeezing my hand as he does.

" We both know that this would have happened anyway." I tell him.

" I guess." He admits.

" Hey, JJ?" I ask.

" Yeah." He responds.

" Can you get me some pain meds from my bag, please." I ask.

" Sure." He answers, handing me the meds.

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