Chapter 4

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( I kinda like writing in first person so I'm gonna keep doing that, also a continuation of chapter 3 obvi.)

   " WHAT THE FUCK?!" JJ yells.

  This makes John B, Pope, and Kie get back on the boat. They look confused until they see my eye, then they look sad.

  " Did He Do This To You?" He asks, slightly lowering his voice.

   My eyes are watering already and I know  if I look at his eyes or even if I try to talk that I will start to cry, so all I do is slightly nod.

     Kie and John B and Pope sit beside me. Kie is hugging one side of me, John B hugs the other and Pope just squeezes my shoulder because there is no more room left to hug without standing up. JB and Pope look just as mad as JJ but unlike JJ, they can control themselves.

    " I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna go over to that house and kill him." He says while pacing back and forth in front of me. I still look at my shoes to avoid crying, but the stinging in my eye becomes more and more prominent with every second that passes.

" Why didn't you tell us or at least me?" He asks, I don't even look up, let alone reply.         

" Huh, why didn't you tell me 13 hours ago when I asked!?" JJ asks, yelling again.
I flinch slightly, but it goes unnoticed.

" I'm sorry." I say looking up briefly meeting his red rimmed blue eyes, but I look back down immediately when I realize it was a mistake because now I'm crying too.

" I just didn't want to ruin our night, everyone was having fun and I knew if you guys found out it would be done for." I explain, crying hard now.

   Kie lets go of me to grab some makeup wipes because she knows that soon my mascara will get into my eyes and make them hurt more. John B lets go and so does Pope, the boys go get the anchor and pull it up as JJ sits next to me, slightly calmer.

     " It's not your fault Ken's." He says while holding me in a tight hug.

I'm now sobbing into him, getting his chest wet again because he's not wearing a shirt.
" Did he hurt you anywhere else?" JJ asks softly.

  I nod yes and pull up my shirt revealing my bruise covered stomach. I put my shirt back down.

    " Jesus." JJ says while Pope and John B start the boat and start going to the Chateau. " I'm sorry." He tells me, while pulling me back into a hug.

Time skip

Once we get back to the Chateau my makeup is already removed thanks to Kiara. I go to the bathroom and wash my face and change into a baby pink sweater and white pajama shorts. I go back out to see everyone else in their pajamas on the couch.

" Wanna watch a movie?" Kie asks with a smile while holding a giant bowl of popcorn.

" Definitely." I say while hopping on the couch between John B and JJ. 

I spread out with my legs over John B and Kie, while my head rests on JJ.

   " Do you always have to spread out over everyone?" John B asks while chuckling.

    " Yes I do Johnny Boy, thanks for asking." I reply while smiling wide. " Also I'm not on Pope." I add.

    " Only because you're too short to reach him, if you could reach you would be on him too." Kie adds.

   " True." I add while grabbing a handful of popcorn.

    " What do you want to watch?" Pope asks.

     " The Fast and The Furious." JJ and I say at the same time but he's mocking me while I'm being serious.

   "  Fuck off JJ, you know it's an amazing movie." I say while looking into his eyes and smiling.

   " True." He adds, looking right back into my sky blue eyes.

  We fall asleep like this, all tangled up but comfortable, like a real family.

A/N: I love the fast and furious saga. Anyway, please vote if you like it and comment please because they make my day. I love you!

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