Chapter 48

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I hear everyone quiet down, which is almost never a good thing at a party. I look around to see what is going on and I find everyone staring at MJ, who is pointing her pocket knife at Rafe.

" Fuck." I mutter under my breath before quickly making my way over there. I hear everyone start to murmur about what was happening.

" What the fuck did he do?", " oh shit, MJ has a knife.", " Should we go get help?"

I finally reach them and I can see a flash of fear in Rafe's eye's before he regains his cocky composure and pastes a smirk on his face, and I wish I could knock the smug smirk off him.

" What was that about punishing me? Cause from where I stand, it looks like I have the upper hand here." Makena comments, and her eyes barely soften when she glances at me, before almost immediately darkening again while she looks back to Rafe. She takes an intimidating step forward, and Rafe stands his ground, but fear creeps it's way back into his eyes.

I don't know what to say, or do. Normally, there is someone else by his side, someone for me to handle, but right now, it seems like a one on one thing.

" Is that fear I see in your eye's Rafe? What? Am I not turning you on anymore?" Makena asks mockingly, cocking her head to the side as she puts on a faux concerned face.

" Oh shut up, you crazy bitch. Everyone knows that you don't have the balls to stab anyone, let alone me. You can't do anything without your boyfriend's gun." Rafe taunts, regaining his composure once again and stepping towards MJ.

" You got one thing right, I am a crazy bitch... but I don't need a gun, or a knife to put you in your place." MJ says, quickly tossing her knife to the side before winding her arm back and punching Rafe as hard as she can.

(Makena's POV)

I feel the adrenaline coursing through my body as my fist connects with Rafe's nose. I feel almost every emotion that I've kept bottled up since I was 9 flow through my fist. I watch as Rafe falls to the ground, clutching his nose. I get on top of him and my fists keep flying. I can feel my knuckling start to bleed, and I can feel his blood and mine on my hands as I keep hitting him. I watch from my peripheral vision as JJ watches in fright before grabbing my blade and staring at Rafe and I. I keep hitting Rafe as hard as I can. I can barely hear what the people around us are saying.

I finally snap out of my violent daze when Rafe lets out a loud whimper. All I can feel is rage as I get off of him and snatch my blade from JJ, barely paying attention to the fact that JJ looks slightly afraid. I step back over to Rafe, leaning over him. He whimpers and groans in pain, clutching all parts of his face and body. I rip his arm away from his face harshly, quickly looking over his face and body to see it all swollen, bruised, and bloodied. I rake my blade up and down his arm gently before pressing my blade in hard against his wrist. I slice from his wrist to the middle of his forearm before taking the blade off his arm.

" Look, now we're matching." I say, malice in my voice. I make sure I'm loud enough for the people around us to hear, as I pull my shirt sleeve down my shoulder, revealing my scars for him to see.

I pull my sleeve up before kicking him in his stomach as hard as I can, and I smile, enjoying this feeling of power that consumes me.

As I walk out of the front door, I can hear people talking about me, the fight, and my scars. As soon as the cool breeze hits me, I snap out of my rage, and realize what I've done. I cut a guy, a terrible guy, but still a person. I also just revealed my scars, not only to the entire party, but the person I wanted to hide them from the most, JJ. I can hear someone walking after me, and I'm pretty sure I know who it is.

As I run into the woods, I can hear JJ behind me.

" MJ! Wait!" JJ yells from behind me, which only fuels me more. I don't want to have to face him after that, not after he looked afraid of me, not after I basically told the entire island that I'm a fucked up, crazy, bitch.

I can hear JJ getting closer, his footsteps get louder, and I can hear his panting more clearly. Suddenly, I get pulled back by JJ's firm grip on my arm. I try to shake him off, but he won't let go.

" Would you cut it out, I'm not letting go, and you're not getting away." JJ says firmly, yet calmly.

I stop fighting, but I don't say anything as I stare at the ground, afraid to meet his gaze. I already know what he's gonna say. He is gonna leave me, and I understand why. Why would he want a broken, fucked up, crazy, person like me. I know he's gonna leave, but I don't want him to, so if I don't meet his gaze, If I don't look him in the eye as he breaks my heart, maybe it'll hurt less.

" Look at me." JJ says softly, lifting my chin with his fingers. I can already feel my eyes burning and my throat closing up as I look into his ocean blue eyes, which are highlighted by the moonlight bouncing off of them.

" I'm sorry, and I already know what you're gonna say, and I get it, I really do. I understand fully if you don't want me anymore or if you don't love me-" I ramble.

" What are you talking about, do you really think that I don't love you anymore?" JJ cuts me off, almost sounding as hurt as I feel.

" I-, I don't know." I say, feeling the tears flow down my cheeks.

" I could never stop loving you, even if I wanted to." JJ says, kissing my tears before pulling me into a deep and loving hug.

I cry into his chest, letting it all out. I remind myself of my father, cold, ruthless, and petty, to those I dislike. Yet soft, sweet, and kind to those I love. I hate that I remind myself of him. I pull away after what feels like forever, yet not enough time. I sniffle before wiping my face.

" Do you want to talk about it?" JJ asks, gesturing to my cuts. I want to say no, still trying to protect him from my ugly truth, yet something inside of me tells me to say yes.

" Not particularly." I say quietly, looking down at the most recent cuts on my wrist.

" We don't have to, but can you do me a favor?" JJ asks, stepping closer.

" Hm?" I ask, looking up at him.

" Can you promise me that you won't do that anymore?" JJ says, looking at my shoulder, as if he can see through my sleeve.

" I can promise you that I'll try not to." I offer instead, looking into his eyes.

" That's good enough for me." JJ says, wrapping his arms tightly around me, almost as if he wants to make sure I can't leave it, as if he wants to make sure I can't leave him.

" Let's go home, baby." JJ mumbles against my ear, before leading the way back to the dirt bike.

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