Chapter 68

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Kiara, Pope, and I sit in three chairs in the corner of the tent, and all I can focus on is the sound of the rain hitting the tent. All the police are scrambling, looking for Mj and them, since the storm is heavy and they're in an open boat. I won't believe that they didn't make it until someone tells me otherwise, I have to have hope that the love of my life and my best friend made it out, and that we're going to see them again. I can hear Kiara starting to cry lightly, and out of the corner of my eye I see Pope holding her hand. 

" I wanna have search and rescue standing by." Someone from outside the tent yells, and it makes me uneasy. 

Shoupe and two other police officers walk in and I quickly stand up, fixing my hat on my head. Kiara and Pope stand up right beside me. We walk towards Shoupe with Pope leading the way. Shoupe just looks at us and doesn't say anything.

" Did you find them?" Pope asks, tears staining his cheeks. Shoupe looks down for a second and shakes his head slightly.

" No." Shoupe answers, his face somber and sad. Pope looks over at Kie and I, trying to decide if that's a good thing or not.

" So, they got away?" Kiara asks hopefully but her voice wavers, showing that she doesn't truly believe that. Shoupe looks down and as he tries to find the words to answer, a loud crack of thunder sounds.

" We, uh... we lost them." Shoupe admits, and his eye starts tearing slightly. " I'm sorry." He adds quietly.

" You lost them?" Pope repeats, confused. 

I can feel the anger and sadness start to bubble inside me. I know what he's insinuating, and I hate it. 

" What do you mean you lost them? Like, they're gone? What are you talking about?" Pope asks, not wanting to believe what he's hearing.

" They took an open boat into a tropical depression, Pope." Shoupe states.

" So they're dead?" Kiara asks, tears already building in her eyes.

I feel the anger growing inside me. They can't be dead. I need them to be alive. Shoupe looks down quickly, gathering himself.

" We don't know." He states, and I snap.

" You drove them straight through the storm, man!" I yell, stepping towards him. " Are you kidding me? Come here, man!" I yell, lunging forwards towards Shoupe.

" I'm gonna kill you!" I yell, grabbing Shoupe by his collar and shaking him. 

" JJ, stop!" Kiara yells as I push Shoupe away and wind back, ready to hit him. Another officer grabs me and I struggle to get out of his grip.

" I'm gonna kill you, you bastard!" I yell, the officer still holding me away from Shoupe.

I stop struggling after a moment, and a sinking feeling hits me. It feels like there's a giant hole in my heart where Makena and John B were, and now that they're gone it just hurts. It hurts so much. I can't stop the tears from falling, and I don't even want to. I deserve this, but Mj didn't. I hurt everyone I love. I drove my mom away, I drove my dad to addiction, and now the love of my life and my best friend are dead. I hurt everyone I care about. It feels like there is a black hole in my chest, and it's trying to drag everything into it.

A/N: Hi! I know this is an extra short chapter but I'm already working on the next as I type this. I know this is way too short but it didn't feel right trying to tie this and the next chapter together. Thank you for reading and please VOTE AND COMMENT.

Also, I am changing Makena's face claim to Jenna Ortega so it's more representing of a real Puerto Rican character. I know Jenna Ortega is Mexican and Puerto Rican but it is who I think fits MJ best as of now. So where normally I would describe her eyes as blue, they are now dark brown and where she might be described as pale, she's tan. Also, her mom's eye color was brown instead of blue and her dads are now green instead of brown.

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