Chapter 36

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The ambulance shows up 10 minutes later and takes JB to the hospital. Kie and Pope went home and I took the van back to the Chateau. I parked and I noticed that MJ's car wasn't here.
" Maybe she walked." I mutter to myself. I go inside and I look around only to find it completely empty.
I walk back into the dining room and see 2 envelopes. 1 has my name, the other has John B, Kiara, and Pope written on it.
" What the fuck?" I say.
I grab the one that has my name on it and start to read.

Dear Pretty Boy,
Hi. I hope your okay and your dad didn't hurt you too bad. We gotta talk, and by talk, I mean I have to write this and you have to read it.
I can't see you or the Pogues anymore. We have to break up, and trust me, I really don't want to, but I have to. It's for my safety and possibly yours. I guess I've finally learned my lesson, as my dad would put it.

I can feel my eyes watering, but I hold back the tears.

I just want you to know that it's not you. I still love you and I will miss you so so much, but this is for the greater good. Maybe one day I'll find a way to get out of this house for good, but until then, you have to move on. I only ask that you do the following : Don't be a dick, help John B try and get the gold ( even though I know you don't believe in it, it helps him. ) and don't move on too fast. Also, if the time arises where you won't go to jail for it, kick Topper and Rafe's asses.
I love you so much, and I miss you already.
Love, MJ
P.S. : Please try not to get in too much trouble.

I start crying and I sit down on in a chair.

10 minutes later I'm finally done crying, now I'm pissed. I'm not mad at her, I'm mad at her piece of shit father. Before I know what I'm doing I get on my dirt bike and race over to her house. Once I get two houses away from it I turn it off and walk it to her window. Trying my best to be quiet.

Makena's POV

I am still up at 11:30 even though I'm trying to go to sleep, but I just keep tossing and turning. I sit up against my head board and look around my room. The only light is the moon light and it barely brightens my room. I look at my window and see it still open.
I get up to close it but before I even get off of my bed I see someone's hand on the windowsill and then I see another one. I quickly get off my bed and grab the knife from my bedside table.
" Who are you?" I ask, gripping the knife.
Then I see a body come through the window and fall as I speak.
" It's just me." JJ whisper yells, and I let out a breath of relief.
" What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, putting the knife down.
" I came to rescue you." He says confidently, standing up.
Before I know what I'm doing I rush towards him and engulf him in a hug.
" Nice to see you too." He says, chuckling as he hugs me back.
I shouldn't have done that. I mentally scold myself before sticking with the plan, I have to stay here so my dad doesn't kill me, and he has to leave before my dad hears us and kills me.
" Okay, you have to go." I say, pulling out of the hug and crossing my arms over my chest.
" You're right, so hurry up and then we can leave." He says.
" No, not we, you. You have to go." I explain.
" I'm not leaving without you." JJ explains.
     " Yes you are, so go." I say, not backing down.
      " No. Just come with me, we can go back to the Chateau, you'll be safe there." He says, pleading for me to go with him.
     " I won't be safe anywhere as long as my dad's still alive. You have to go, before he hears us." I plead, pointing to the window.
    I don't really want him to go, but I need him to, for my safety, and possibly his.
    " You and I both know that you don't want me to go." He replies.
    " You're right, I don't Want you to go but I Need you to." I explain.
    " Stop pretending like you aren't gonna come with me." He says, regaining his confidence, while calling my bluff.
    " I'm not pretending." I say, my determination lessening.
     " Yes, you are." He retorts, getting closer to me.
     " I know you are, because not once this entire time, have you been able to look him in the eye and tell me to go." He explains, leaning down slightly so he can look me in the eyes.

I look away.

      " Baby, please. Come back to the Chateau with me?" He asks, making eye contact again.

       I know I shouldn't go, but I also know that I am going to go with him.
     " Okay." I say quietly.
He relaxes and fist pumps.
    " Yes." He whispers excitedly.
" Are you gonna help me pack or?" I say sarcastically, walking to my closet to grab some duffel bags to put my stuff in.
     " Yes ma'am." He retorts, stuffing my clothes into my bag.
     I grab some other essentials like my brush, deodorant, my purse, and my phone, and set them on my bed.
     " Wait here." I tell JJ, while walking to the door.
     " What are you doing?" He asks.
" Getting my toothbrush." I answer.

I quietly open the door and I cringe when I squeaks slightly. I listen for my father but all I hear are his snores from his room.
     I sneak into the bathroom, grab my toothbrush, and run back into my room.

     " Okay, we can go now." I tell JJ.

We both grab a duffel bag and head over to the window.

      " After you." He says, motioning toward the window.
      " Why thank you good sir." I say, then I climb out the window.
      After a second, JJ comes out of my window.

" I'm gonna take my car to JB's place, but I'll see you there." I say, stepping towards my car.
     " Wait a second." JJ says, pulling me back.
" What?" I ask.
      JJ then kisses me gently.
" That." He says, smirking.
      I grab both bags and get in my car, then I drive towards the Chateau, JJ right behind me on his bike.

A/N: I hope you're having a great day. Please don't forget to comment and vote. Thank you for reading!

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