Chapter 24

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We drop Kiara's car off at her house, and the boys pick us up in the van. We decide to go eat at the Wreck.

We pull up to the Wreck.

" Stealing drones makes you hungry." Kie says, getting out of the van.

" What I would do to a beer and shrimp and grits right now." JJ says getting out of the van.

" It would not be pretty." Pope adds, getting out.

I get out and we walk in.

" Hey dad," Kie says.

" Hey." Mr.C says back.

" Hi, Mr. C." I say waving.

" Hi." He replies.

" How'd we do?" Kie asks her dad.

" Didn't turn it over once." Her dad replies.

" Probably just bad luck because of the storm." Kie says, hugging her dad.

JJ, JB, Pope, and I walk away and are standing in the dining area.

The boys are staring at someone else food.

" So hungry." John B says.

" Don't stare at the food, it'll make it worse." I tell them, and push them slightly to get them to look away.

We spot Kie and her dad looking at us and we wave.

" Sit down." She tells us.

" Yes!" I say, sitting at a table.

We all eat and then Kie stands up and starts dancing, motioning for JB to join her, and then I look at Pope and see a little jealousy and a bit of sadness in his eyes.

" C'mon Pope." I say grabbing his hand.

" What?" He asks, surprised.

" Dance with one of your best friends." I say, smiling.

" Fine." He agrees and we dance around for a bit.

" Okay, I'm tired." He says after a few minutes.

" Okay." I say, letting him leave.

" JJ!" I call, motioning him to come dance with me.

He points to himself, surprised.

" Come dance with your girlfriend!" I call.

He gets up and comes over to me. We dance around and his hands are on my hips most of the time.

After a bit, I turn around to face him.

" I love you." I say, then press my lips firmly against his, and we hold the kiss for about 10 seconds before we pull away.

" I love you too." He tells me, smiling down.

" Ya know, I've never noticed how much taller you are." I tell him, craning my neck up to look at him.

" I've always known how much smaller you are." He says, chuckling.

" Hey, follow me real quick." I tell him, grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me.

" Yes Ma'am." He says.

I lead him outside and we get to the grass. I sit us down. I lay down on my back in the grass, and he does the same. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers.

" Whatcha doin'?" He asks me.

" Just looking at the stars." I tell him.

" You okay?" He asks me, turning over so he is on his stomach, propped up on his elbows, and staring at my face.

" Yeah, right now, I'm okay." I tell him. " Are you okay." I ask him.

" I'm perfect." He answers.

I lift my head up and kiss him softly.

I roll us over so that I am straddling him. I kiss him harder this time, my kiss is full of lust, and so is his. He tugs my hair slightly so that my head moves back and he has access to my neck. He trails kisses from my lips down to my jawline, then down my neck. He sucks on my neck and I let out a small moan. He chuckles before moving to a new spot on my neck, surely leaving hickeys, but I don't care, that's what makeups for. We switch and I start sucking on his neck, leaving hickeys all over, just like he did to me. After a while we calm down and look at the stars, for real this time.

After about an hour, JB, Kie, and Pope come outside and Kie is carrying my bag.

" Come on, we're heading home." JB tells us, and my heart warms at the fact that he said home, not his house, not the Chateau, he called it our home.

" Coming!" I call, getting up and walking in front of JJ. JJ then follows me but he slaps my ass.

" Ow!" I yell, pretending that it hurt.

He just laughs, and we get into the van.

We drive back to the Chateau, the entire ride JJ and I smoke, we smoke so much that I get high as a kite, and I get giggley and soft.

" I love you guys!" I yell out.

" Love you too kens." Everyone replies.

" But for real," I start, then point to Pope. " You're like the big brother I never had, you're so nice and you try to keep us out of trouble even though it never works." I explain to him.

" And you, you're like my brother too, you are down for whatever and never judge us, especially me the other day." I explain to John B, grabbing his shoulder.

" Kie, you're like my sister, you are just so fun to be around, and you always know how I am feeling, and you're just so nice." I say, grabbing her arm.

" And JJ, you already know I love you but I'll tell you anyway, You're so fun and unpredictable sometimes, but you're dependable, I can depend on you for anything, you're down for whatever, and you always make me laugh, even when I'm trying to be mad at you." I tell him, then kiss him on the cheek and snuggle into his side.

" I think someone has smoked a little too much." John B says, laughing.

" Not possible." I tell him.

" Hey!" I yell out.

" What?" JJ asks.

" Do you think the turtles know how much Kie loves them, do you think they can like, feel it?" I ask. " Oh, and the dolphins too." I add.

" I think so." JJ answers.

" Do you think JB's rooster knew how much I loved him?" I ask.

" I hope so." JB answers.

" Do you think that my mom knows how much I miss her?" I ask JJ quietly, so that the other pogues can't hear me over the music.

" I know she does." JJ answers.

" Good." I say.

A/N: Hi! I hope you're having a great day. Please vote if you liked this chapter. Please comment because it makes me happy and I like knowing what you guys think of the story. Thank you so much for reading, I love you!

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