Chapter 17

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I wake up to see JJ staring at me.

     " Can I help you?" I ask him, still half asleep.

" You could stop snoring." He tells me laughing.

    " Fuck you." I tell him jokingly, earning a laugh from him.

" You know you want to." He retorts.

     " Shut up." I tell him, chuckling at his dirty joke.

" I saw JB leave with the tanks, I think he is taking them back to Sarah Cameron's house." JJ tells me.

     " Cool." I tell him, trying to go back to sleep on his chest, because I am still tired.

" I got to go get clothes from my house, but I'll be back in a bit. Okay?" He tells me, then makes us get up so he can leave.

     " Fine." I say getting up.

I hug him for a minute, now cold without his body heat, before kissing his cheek.

     " Bye, Be safe, don't do anything stupid." I tell him.

" Bye, try not to get hurt before I make it back." He tells me, walking away.

     I go inside and grab my bag, looking for clothes. I only have two outfits left. I still have a stack of cash that I stole from the motel but I want to save that for an emergency. I have to go get clothes soon, but I'll do it while my dad's at work.

    I take a shower and brush my teeth. I put on a nice white bralette and matching underwear, a black cropped tee-shirt, jean shorts, and my Chucks. I brush my hair so that my hair falls down to the middle of my back.

       I look in the mirror and study myself. My eye looks better, the cut on my face is starting to heal, I lift my shirt and look at my stomach. Some of the bruises are still purple and black but most are yellow and brown. A small patch of my stomach has no bruises, which makes me kinda happy. I try to look at my back but I can't see much, from what I can see, it's looking better. I look at my arms, at the cigarette burns, I'm about to cry when I stop myself.

     " Don't be a little bitch." I say to myself. And it works, I don't cry. I hate crying, despite how much I do it.

  I grab my toothbrush and hair brush, old dirty clothes and shove it in my bag.  After I put my bag in the corner of the living room, I grab my Bluetooth speaker and start blasting music.

(The song she is singing/listening to is Drunk Face by Machine Gun Kelly)

I am making pancakes for myself and dancing around the kitchen, using a spatula as a microphone.


" I'LL GROW UP NEXT SUMMER, I'M BACK ON THAT GIRL I QUIT, I SHOULD HAVE LOST HER NUMBER!" I sing before I hear someone clear their throat.

I spin around so fast I get kinda dizzy. I see John B leaning against the door frame and I sigh in relief, and I turn off my music.

    " Hey." I say to him

" Good to see someones back to her old self." He tells me, smiling,

     " Thanks, you want some?" I ask him, gesturing to the stack of pancakes that I've made.

" Sure." He tells me, grabbing plates from the cabinet.

     We eat and talk a bit before John B ends up taking a nap on the sofa.

Time skip

I am reading a book when I hear pounding on the door, I automatically flinch and duck before I pull myself together.

      " DCS! I know you're in there!" I hear someone yell from the other side of the door, I panic for a second before realizing it's JJ.

John B sits up and then JJ bangs on the window, scaring JB.

      " Gotcha, slick." JJ says from outside, laughing.

" You should have seen your face!" JJ says, pointing to JB and laughing.

       John B, JJ, and I all get into JB's van and start to drive. JB and JJ sit in the front whereas I'm left in the back alone, but I don't mind it. I just listen to them banter and smoke a joint.

     " I'm just saying, I don't understand why you don't at least try with Kiara, She clearly likes you." JJ tells John B.

" She's like, " Oh, John B"." JJ moans out, making me laugh.

      " Is that what she does?" JB asks JJ sarcastically, turning in his seat to look at him.

" She's sketchy about you diving, and then she kissed you." JJ tells him.

       " She kissed me on the cheek, It's not like we were makin' out or somethin'." JB explains.

" Low-hanging fruit, bro. Don't pretend that you don't notice. I see it in your eyes. You're like 'I kinda like that' and you start blushing and shit." JJ tells him, making me laugh a little bit.

     " I blush?" JB asks.

" yeah," JJ answers. Then JJ grabs John B's dad's compass.

      " Hey, don't" John B tells JJ, trying to get it back with one hand.

" I was just looking at it." JJ says, holding the compass in his hands.

     " I gotta admit, your father's compass in Scooter's boat, that's freaky." JJ says.

" Yeah. That's why we're going to talk to Ms. Lana, to figure this whole thing out." John B explains.

      " I'm sure she would just love to talk to us." JJ says sarcastically.

" It's not like her husband just drowned or anything." I say sarcastically.

        We finally get to Ms.Lana's house.

A/N: Hi! I hope your doing good. Please vote if you liked this chapter. Please comment because they make me happy and I like knowing what you guys think. Thank you for reading, I love you!

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