Chapter 28

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John B then let's go of the picture and it goes flying out the window.

     " No, no, no, stop. Please stop!" JB says, panicking.

     " My picture, it's the last picture of my dad!" JB yells, and I think I may know what he's trying to do, so I sneakily grab my bag with one hand.

     " Not gonna happen, kid." The officer says.

" Come on, Cheryl, just stop the car." John B pleas.

       " Please, that's all I got left." John B explains.

      " Pull over." Cheryl tells the cop.

" You want me to pull over?" The officer asks.

      " Just pull over." Cheryl replies.

" Thank you." John B says, as the car stops.

       The cop gets out of the car and starts looking around.

      " Cheryl, can we help him look?" John B asks, looking back at the cop.

       " He's got it." Cheryl answers.

The cop puts his hands up after a few seconds to say that he can't find it.

      " This idiot, he's not looking in the right place. It's gonna get trashed. Cheryl, please." John B pleas.

      " It's my final keepsake of my dad. Are you really gonna let that happen?" John B asks.

       " Please, I'm begging you." John B says.

" Make it quick." Cheryl says, giving in and unlocking the door.

       " Yes ma'am." We say and move toward our own doors.

      " Thanks, Cheryl." John B says before grabbing his bag and running, I copy him.

     " Later, Thomas!" JB yells as we run away from the car and cop.

    We run across the street and jump a fence, almost getting hit by two cars.

      We jump the fence and run through the cemetery and turn right, running along the street.

        " Hey, what's up Jorge?" We ask, eyeing his bikes.

      " Look, there's a snow leopard." I say, making him look while we steal the bikes.

    " Yo, what the hell?!" Jorge shouts as we get on the bikes.

   " Sorry, bro!" We yell back, taking off.

" I'll give it back, I promise!" JB yells.

       " I swear, we'll leave them at the park!" I promise Jorge.

       We turn into someone's yard.

" Watch out, coming in hot!" JB yells as we pedal across their yard to see there's a ramp.

    " Fuck!" I yell, but still commit to the jump.

We land the jump and the kids cheer for us.

    Then we hit a chain, and go flying off the bikes, and into the street.

       I land on my back, hard.

" Shit!" I yell, still on the floor.

     " Who put the chain there?" JB asks, making me chuckle a bit.

      " Did you guys just yeet over that fence?" I hear someone ask, I look up to see Sarah Cameron standing over us.

       She then sees blood on JB's shirt and steps over me to pull up JB's shirt and look at it.

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