Chapter 3

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( I put in a day between them running away from the security to them finding the boat so that's what this chapter is)

  I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ear and I quickly turn it off. It's 9 in the morning so my dad should be at work but still I check out my window, seeing that his car is gone, I calm down and text JJ.

You can pick me up from the front

Ok, we'll be there at 10:30. JJ replies.
Ok, see you soon. I reply.

  I rush to the bathroom and quickly take a shower. I have to hurry up so that I can get dressed and cover my eye before they get here. I finish with my shower and get dressed. I put on a black v-neck instead of my usual crop top, to cover up my stomach. I also put on my jean shorts and black and white checkered vans. I put ice on my eye to help with the swelling while I brush my hair.

Once I think the swelling has gone down enough for my eye to look semi-normal. I pack a bag so I can stay at John B's house for a few days.

I put on my concealer and the rest of my makeup. Once I feel my makeup perfectly covers my black eye, I put on chap stick and then grab my phone.

Here JJ texts me

Right while I'm reading his text John B starts hitting the horn, telling me he's here.

   I grab my sunglasses and my bag and run out of the house. As I get into the van I'm greeted by Pope, JJ. and JB. I notice that Kiara isn't here.

   " Where's Kie?" I ask while I sit down next to JJ.

   " We have to go pick her up." John B explains from the front seat while putting the radio on.

  " Okay." I respond.

     Pope starts to read his book and John B is singing along to the music when JJ looks at me.

   " Hey, you okay?" JJ asks me, his face saying that he's really worried.

  " Yeah, I got lucky, he was asleep on the couch." I say, lying. I feel bad for lying but I don't want to ruin the day because they all seem happy so far.

   " Ok, well you should stay at John B's house for the next few days." He tells me , I can tell he doesn't really believe me.

  " I am going to ask him, that's why I brought my bag." I explain to him.

   " Also here you go." He says while handing me a baggie of weed.

" Thank you!" I exclaim while hugging him quickly before I pull out my papers, and grinder.

   I finish rolling 6 joints before putting 5 of them back in the bag.

  I light up before handing it to JJ. He smirks and hits it before he hands it to JB.

    " Thanks." JJ and JB tell me.

I get it back and offer Pope even though I know he will say no, but it's still nice to ask. Pope shakes his head No. We take a few more hits before we get to Kiara's house and she gets in.

" Hey guys." Kie greets us while she gets in.

" Hey," I reply while giving her a half hug.

I hand her the j once she sits down and she takes it and hits it.

By the time we get to the Chateau you can barely see through the smoke and we have smoked 2 J's.

    We all pile out of the car and into JB's house. We all sit in the living room and turn on the speaker and start listening to music. We all start laughing and talking about whatever comes to mind.

    " Hey wanna go fishing?" John B asks, which is code for let's go get drunk on the boat and end up swimming.

   " Sure." Pope, JJ, and Kie respond. I don't respond but they don't seem to notice, probably because we are all stoned and Pope wasn't paying attention to anything other than Kiara.

We all get to the boat and start drinking and talking while Pope steers.

Time skip

      JJ suddenly jumps up, rips off his shirt and yells " Canon Ball" while he jumps into the water.

     " What the hell JJ!" I slightly yell and turn away at the right time so that I don't get water on my face and my makeup doesn't come off.

" What's wrong princess, don't want to ruin your makeup?" Jj asks teasingly with his classic smirk on his face.

   " No I don't, my eyeliner looks good today." I say smiling right back.

  The truth is I don't want him or anyone else to see my eye.

     Everyone else got in the water while me and JJ were going back and forth so that I was all alone on the boat. I pulled out a joint and light up and then finished said J. I got even more stoned, so much to the point where everything everyone says is funny and I start laughing.

Without me noticing JJ got on the boat behind me and suddenly grabbed me and threw me into the water. I  immediately sober up for a second and get scared. JJ was laughing his ass off so when he was looking at the rest of the group pointing and laughing I got back onto the boat and angrily pushed him back into the water. Then JJ got back in the boat and sat next to me.

     I accidentally rubbed my makeup covering black eye because it stung from the water and then I freaked out when I saw my makeup on my hand. I pulled out my phone fast and freaked out more when I could see my black eye in my phone's reflection. Luckily he is on the side of me that doesn't have a black eye.

30 minutes later and the sun is no longer out and Pope ,Kie ,and John B are still in the water. JJ and I are talking about some tv show and luckily I have been able to keep my head from turning to look at him and letting him see the right side of my face.

    " Hey, wanna smoke?" He offers.

   " Hell yeah!" I reply.

   I dig into my bag which is luckily on my right side and pull a joint out and hand it to him but it's awkward because I don't turn my head and he notices.

    " What's wrong?" He asks, sounding concerned.

  " Nothing's wrong." I lie, keeping my head in my bag, pretending to look for something.

    " Look at me." He gently demands.

   " I'm looking for something." I lie, again.

   " Why are you lying?" He asks me, getting slightly angrier by the minute.

    " I'm not lying." I lie.

    " Then look at me." He demands.

   I turn my head slightly so that he can still only see the left side of my face.

     " Happy now?" I ask with attitude, slightly annoyed that he won't let it go, but mostly scared because I don't want to ruin the night by him finding out.

    " All the way, Makena." He orders me.

Shit, he only calls me by my actual name when he's angry. Normally he calls me Hot Stuff, or Ken, or princess, or Mj, or even on one occasion Baby Girl, but he only called me Baby girl when we were watching Criminal Minds.

" Fine." I say while rolling my eyes.

I turn my head all the way so he can see my full face.

     " WHAT THE FUCK!"

A/N: Please don't forget to vote if you like it, comment please because they make me so happy. I love you!

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