Chapter 56

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We all sit in the living room, in a comfortable, yet somber silence. No one knows what to say, 'cause there really isn't anything to say. JJ is sitting on the couch, and I'm sitting in his lap. Kiara was sitting on a chair she pulled over from the table but she's asleep now and Pope is passed out on the other side of the couch.

JJ and I continue to sit in silence, I reposition so my legs are on either side of his and I bury my head in between his neck and shoulders. I breathe him in, the smell of saltwater and chlorine fill my senses. I just melt into him, letting myself release all the built up tension in my muscles as I hold him. He wraps his arms tightly around my waist, and his quiet cries fill my ears.

" It's okay, let it out." I whisper, running my hand up and down his back. I can feel his tears start to run down my arm, but I couldn't care less.

His cries break my heart. I hate seeing him cry, I always have. He rarely cries, always putting on a brave face.

I continue to console him, wiping the tears from his face and letting him hold me tightly, until his cries turn into sniffles, and eventually stop all together.

" Hey, let's go lay down." I say quietly, pulling back slightly but still remaining in his grasp.

" Okay." He says. His eyes are red and puffy, and tear streaks stain his tan face.

He stands up, still holding me.

" Jeez." I chuckle out, wrapping my arms and legs tightly around him so I don't fall.

" I got ya." He says, wrapping his arms around me and walking us into the bedroom.

He lets me go on the bed and I slide over to my side. He gets on the bed and gets comfortable on his side. I curl up next to him, pressing my chest into his back. I wrap my arm around his waist and hold him. I feel him relax into me, and his breathing starts to get heavier. I know he's asleep as he starts to snore quietly.

I press into him more, putting my face against his back and listen to his heart beat. I feel myself start to relax as I focus on his heartbeat. It makes me feel better, let's me know that he's right there. He's always there when I need him. I feel myself start to fall asleep, and I let it consume me, hoping for at least one night of good, peaceful sleep.

3AM ( JJ's POV)

" NO! Stop! I'm sorry!" Makena screams.

I jolt up and grab her lightly, shaking her slightly.

" Hey, wake up. Wake up." I say, and she opens her eyes and jolts up. She pulls away slightly before relaxing into my arms as she realizes it was just a nightmare.

My heart breaks each and every time she has these nightmares, I can't help but feel like I failed her. I am supposed to protect her, and I fucked up and not only did she have to go through everything with her dad and Rafe once, she has to relive it almost every time she goes to sleep.

" I'm sorry, go back to sleep." She says, pulling out of my embrace and lightly pushing me down, trying to get me to lay down.

" You don't have to apologize, it's not your fault." I say, looking down right into her eyes. Her cerulean blue eyes are almost always bright and full of life, yet now they look dull, tired.

" Okay, let's just go back to sleep." She says, pushing me down and curling into my side, resting her head on my chest.

" I love you." I say, wrapping my arm around her.

" I love you too." She says, giving a quick peck to my chest.

Makena's POV

I can't fall back to sleep. The nightmare I just had keeps running through my head. I took it too far by cutting Rafe, he deserved to get his ass kicked, but he didn't deserve to be cut. He could easily send me to jail, I deserve it. I toss and turn, trying to get comfortable, but I can't. I slowly get out of bed, and avoid the creaky spot on the floor as I make my way across the room. I slip on my flip flops and make my way into the hallway. I see John B's bedroom door open and I glance in. I see Kiara sleeping on his bed. She must have woken up and walked in there. I make my way into the living room and see Pope spread out on the pullout. I walk outside and make my way to the hammock. I sit down on it and stare out into the ocean, the moonlight reflecting off the calm, low waves. I try to get my mind to go blank, just trying to focus on the waves.

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