Chapter 59

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What the hell's his problem? Well, whatever. I check the time and see that it's only six in the morning. I set an alarm and lay down on my bed. I gotta be ready by 8:00 because I wanna wish Pope luck before his interview at nine.

Time skip

I change into a navy muscle shirt that's actually JJ's and wear it with a pair of old, black, biker shorts. I change into my Chuck Taylors, and put my hair into a ponytail. I catch my reflection in the mirror, and it isn't the best. My shoulder still hasn't healed from when my dad threw a fork at it, but then again I haven't really put anything on it. I grab some Neosporin and a bandaid and put it on. I brush my teeth and check the time.

It's 8:20, and it's a thirty minute walk to where Pope's interview is being held. I walk out of the house and start towards town.

Time Skip

I see Heyward's car parked on the street and I see Pope talking to his dad. Heyward walks back to his car and I walk up to Pope.

" Pope, hold up." I call out, jogging a little to catch up.

" Makena? What're you doing here?" Pope asks, quickly turning around to look at me.

" I came to see you off and wish you luck, even though you don't need it." I say, smiling at him.

" Thank you." Pope says, smiling back.

" C'mere." I say, and Pope listens and steps closer.

" You're going to do great." I say, fixing his tie and his jacket. " Now, go show those rich people why they should give you their money." I joke, chuckling.

" See you in a bit." Pope says, smiling at me.

I sit down on a chair on the porch of the building as Pope walks inside. I should have brought something to do. Pope said the interview is supposed to be about thirty minutes long, give or take. I let my mind wander, but force it away from dark shit.

I can't wait to be rich. It's not even about the money, it's just that we won't have to starve for days and eat expired food. We won't have to worry about a power outage because we'll have a generator. I could do whatever I want as a job and be secure enough that even if it doesn't work out, I'm not gonna have to worry about it.

The first thing I'm gonna do when I have money is get a dog. I've always wanted a dog, ever since I was a kid. I was never allowed to have one, because we couldn't afford one, we could barely afford ourselves, let alone a dog too.

Suddenly, the door flies open and Pope runs out.

" What's going on?" I ask, quickly standing up.

" You waited? Not the point, c'mon." Pope says, running as he takes off his tie and jacket.

I run after him, and I realize all those years running from the security guards have paid off.

" Why are we running?" I call out to Pope, who's still a bit ahead of me.

" Ward has it one his plane." He replies.

" What's on his plane?" I ask, catching up to Pope.

" The gold." He replies quietly, slowing down slightly.

" Oh shit." I say, and we both sprint as fast as we can.

Time skip

" Guys!" I yell, trying to get JB, JJ, and Kiara's attention.

" Guys!" Pope calls out as we get to them on the dock.

" Oh, oh god, we ran all the way here." I say, leaning over, my hands on my knees as I try to catch my breath.

Pogue on Pogue- JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now