Chapter 21

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We pull up to the cemetery just as the sun disappears. We are all following JB with flashlights in our hands. Kie starts to fall behind.

     " Hey, come on." JB tells Kiara.

" I'm coming, this place is scary." Kie says.

      " John B, what are we doing?" Kiara asks.

" So you know how you try to remember a song but can't remember who sings it?" JB asks.

       " Yeah." Kie says.

" So, Redfield, this whole time, I thought it was a place, right?" JB says. " But, it's not a place, it's a person." He says, and we approach a building in the cemetery that says Redfield.

       " Voi-effing-la." JJ says.

" See, my great-great grandmother, Olivia Redfield." JB says. " That was her maiden name." JB explains.

       We all stay silent for a second.

" Help me with the door, come on." JB says.

      All 3 boys are trying, and failing, to open the door.

" This door is like 700 pounds, it's not gonna budge." Pope says, his voice strained from trying to push the door.

      " We didn't come this far, to get this far, alright?" JJ says. " We got this."

Then I hear a snake hiss.

" Whoa!" Pope says backing from away from the door.

      " A snake!" JB says.

" That's a moccasin." I say, backing up even further from the door.

      " Ye old Dr. Cottonmouth." JJ says. " Death in tall grass."

JJ then starts barking at the snake.

      " Shut up!" I yell at him.

" JJ, Shut up!" Kie yells.

      Pope pushing JJ slightly and JJ shuts up.

" You're gonna wake the dead, man." Pope tells him.

         " They're afraid of dogs, everyone knows that." JJ explains. JB starts looking around again.

" Wait, wait." JJ says, grabbing JB's shoulder.

         " If there's one, there's probably dozens." JJ says.

" Why would you say that?" I ask, fear creeping into my voice. I look around at the ground for snakes.

         " What? Is the princess scared?" JJ asks, mocking me.

" No." I lie, still looking at the ground.

         JJ starts to bark again.

" Stop barking at the snakes!" JB says to JJ, raising his voice a little.

         " Just making sure it's clear." JJ defends.

" John, look. We're not gonna get in there, alright? It's not budging." Pope tells JB.

         " We should probably just go." Pope says to JB.

" I can get through." Kie says.

         " What?" JB asks.

" You think you're gonna fit through the hole?" John B asks Kiara.

        " Look, this is about your dad. And honestly, I really don't believe in it, but you deserve to know the truth." Kie explains to JB.

        " I'll do it." Kie says.

The boys get the vines away from the whole so she can get through.

       " I'm gonna boost you. I've seen it in the movies, several times." JJ explains, getting ready to boost her.

       " Remind me what we're looking for?" Kie says.

" You'll know when you see it." John B says.

        " Hold my flashlight." Kie says to me, handing me her flashlight.

JJ helps Kie into the hole and she gets in.

      " Flashlight?" Kiara asks.

" Here." I say, handing her the flashlight through the hole.

       She goes quiet for a few seconds.

" You alive? You got, like, a heartbeat and everything?" John B asks.

        " So far." Kie answers.

I am standing in front of JJ, looking at the ground for snakes, when something touches my leg and I jump.

  " AHH!" I scream, turning around.

          " Gotcha!" JJ says, laughing his ass off.

" Asshole!" I say before turning back around. I hear John B and Pope chuckling and I give them a fake glare, but that only adds fuel to the fire.

        " I need some more light." Kie says and everyone shuts up.

" I gotcha." JB says, holding his lantern in the hole for her.

         " Did you find something?" JJ asks.

" Is there gold?" I ask.

         " Oh, My, God." Kie says.

A/N: Hi! I hope you're having a good day. Please vote if you liked this chapter. Please comment because they make me happy and I like knowing what you think of the story so far. Thanks for reading, I love you!

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