Chapter 66

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We finally pull up to the dock and we all pile out. Pope and JJ move The Phantom into the water while Kiara and I unload all of the supplies John B, Sarah, and I will need.

" I can't believe this is the last time we'll be together for a while." Kiara says, putting down a bag of food onto the bow.

" I know, it still hasn't really hit me yet." I agree, setting another bag of supplies down.

" It's gonna be weird without y'all here." Kiara adds, putting down the last bag of supplies while I set the bag in my hand down.

" It's gonna be weird not being here. I can't imagine going a day without seeing you, JJ, or Pope." I admit.

" I never really thought I would be leaving the island, maybe for a vacation or something, but definitely not because I'm running from the cops." I explain, a somber smile overtaking my face. I feel the weight pile on my chest as it hits me, I'm leaving, and who knows when I'll be able to come back.

I fight off the tightness in my throat and burning behind my eyes as that fact settles.

Kiara picks up on the fact that I'm not fine, I can tell because a frown settles on her features.

" Hey, it'll be alright. We'll see y'all real soon. This isn't a permanent thing, it's just until we can gather proof that it wasn't you and John B who killed Peterkin, and we'll see you in a couple months." Kiara says, her hand resting on my shoulder as she tries to comfort me.

" Yeah, it's just our word against the most influential person on the island's, piece of cake." I say sarcastically.

" Don't be an ass." Kiara says, lightly smacking my arm.

" Babe!" I hear JJ yell, and I look over to see him standing on the boat, as it floats on the water.

JJ motions for me to come over so I give Kiara a small smile and make my way over to the dock. JJ grabs my hand and helps me onto the boat.

" Great, isn't it?" JJ asks in awe, motioning around the boat.

" Yes it is. Is that the only reason you invited me onto the boat? Just to brag about your amazing and legendary boat?" I ask sarcastically, smiling up at him.

" No, I just wanted to get some extra time with you before you and John B go to Mexico." He explains, wrapping his arms around my waist and holding me close to him.

I lay my head on his chest and just listen to his heartbeat, I can feel his chest rise and fall with every breath he takes. He rests his head on top of mine, holding me tighter.

" What's wrong?" JJ asks, pulling away from me slightly, and placing his hand on my cheek. I can feel the tightness in my throat come back.

" I don't wanna go." I admit quietly, as tears start rolling down my face. I feel like a baby, like a toddler on their first day of kindergarten. It's so stupid, I'm almost seventeen, and I'm crying because I have to leave the Outer Banks.

" I don't want you to go either, but you have to. It's to keep you safe." JJ says, wiping my tears away with his thumbs. I sniffle and try to control my tears, and after a moment I stop crying. JJ wipes the last of my tears away and looks into my eyes, his cerulean meeting my coffee colored eyes. He leans in when suddenly a siren sounds and a cop car pulls up. We jump and immediately separate.

" JJ!" Kiara calls out.

" Hey, hey, get on the boat." JJ tells Pope and Kiara, getting ready to pull out of the dock.

" Untie it." I tell Pope, and he moves to do what I told him to.

" Shit." Kie says, moving towards us to get on the boat.

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