Chapter 4

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Makena's POV

My head perks up as I see land, and I can feel a smile starting to form.

" We're almost there, Buck." I say, patting Bucky as he lays beside me, lazily lifting his head to acknowledge me. 

We pull onto shore and I kill the engine and stand up, stretching out the stiffness from sitting for so long. I hop off of the boat and tie it to a small wooden pole, tugging the rope a little to make sure it won't untie. Bucky jumps out and walks to me, looking up at me expectantly. 

" Alright, now we just have to search the entire island and hope that all this wasn't for nothing. Easy." I mutter sarcastically. 

Time skip 

" Have you seen two Americans? A boy about this height-" I ask, lifting my arm up to about JB's height," and a girl, a little taller than me. She's blonde, and he's kinda brunette." I explain, desperately. It's been 3 hours and it seems that no one on this island has ever seen an American. 

" No, sorry." The woman says, quickly walking away from me. 

" Buck, I don't know about you, but I need a break." I say, fanning my face with my hand. The sun and heat has been brutal, and I can feel the sunburn all over my body.

I sit down on a nearby bench, and Buck follows, sitting under the bench in the shade. I close my eyes for a second and lean my head back, trying to regain motivation after a morning of absolutely no progress.

" I heard you were looking for some Americans." A deep voice says with a thick accent. I quickly open my eyes and see a tall man standing in front of me. 

" I am, a boy and a girl." I answer. " Have you seen them?" I ask, sitting up fully.

" No, I don't know where they are, but I know someone who might." He says.

" Who?" I ask quickly, standing up, and Buck does the same. 

" A man named Captain Terrence, he been looking all over the island for two Americans." He says.

" Where can I find him?" I ask.

" He spends most of his time at the docks, so I'd start there. If he ain't there, he's probably out looking for the Americans." He explains. 

Yes! I finally have a lead, and hopefully he's right and I'll be with John B and Sarah within a day. 

" What's your name?" I ask, smiling up at the man. He doesn't even know how grateful I am, or how much he's helped.

" Arthur, yours?" He answers, slightly confused.

" MJ." I answer. " Thank you, seriously. You have no idea how much you've helped me." I say sincerely, a soft smile on my face. I quickly grab my bag and put it on while motioning for Buck to follow. 

" Wait-" The man says as I start to walk past him, and he grabs my arm lightly. I quickly turn around and stop walking. " Look, I don't know you or your situation, what I do know is that no matter how bad you've got it, you should stay away from the Americans and Captain Terrence. Terrence isn't known for his kindness and getting caught up with fugitives is only going to get you either in prison or dead." He says, and I can tell he's only trying to help. 

" Thank you, but I'll be okay." I say, smiling at him and I start to walk down the street, towards the docks.

Time skip

" Ah, what the fuck-" I say as I almost fall over Bucky, who's decided to sit down directly infront of me. I look down and see him panting, his mouth wide open and his tongue hanging out. 

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