Chapter 55

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A/N: HI! We're picking up right where we left off, enjoy!

I walk away from them, before I really hurt someone when a big hand grabs my shoulder and pulls me back. I spin around to see John B holding me back once again.

" What? You want more or something? Was that not enough for you to get the hint that I don't want to be around any of you right now?!" I ask, raising my voice.

" Get in the van." JB orders softly, and I see everyone else get in the van.

" No, and get your hand off of me." I say, narrowing my eyes and smiling menacingly as I see blood on his lip, from when I punched him.

He drops his hand from my shoulder but glares back at me, staring me down.

" Get in the van, MJ." John B says in a warning tone, his voice becoming harder.

" No." I say, turning to walk away again, when he grabs my wrist harshly, making me bite my lip to hold off a whimper of pain, as he grabs directly on my bruise.

" Get in the fucking van, Makena!" JB yells, and I can't help but flinch. I immediately see his face fall when he realizes what he's doing. I feel bad for flinching, I know that John B would never really hurt me.

" Fine." I say harshly, getting in the back of the van where Pope and Sarah sit, as Kie sits in the front seat.

I plop down harshly, and cross my arms over my chest, my glare still on my face. John B gets in the van and starts driving, and the tension gets so thick it couldn't even be cut by a machate.

I feel Sarah glaring at me and I turn to face her, making my face even meaner than it was before.

" What is your problem?" I ask harshly, and surprisingly she doesn't back down.

" How can you be so cruel and heartless? You are so different from how John B described you." She rambles, and I can feel myself soften inside, but my anger refuses to dim.

" Sarah, do you see my hands?," I ask, lifting my bruised knuckles for her to see. She looks down slightly at them. " They got like this because your brother pissed me off. So do yourself a favor, and don't make the same mistake." I say venomously.

Time skip

It's silent except for the sound of the vans engine as we pull up to The Wreck. Everyone goes inside and I stay back, making sure I have everything before looking toward the restaurant. No one noticed, or cared that I didn't go in with them. I walk away.

Kiara's POV

We all gather around a round table in the back. Pope leans against the banester which hold up the screen doors, and John B and Sarah sit next to each other on the other side of the table.

" Look, they'll come around, all right? It's..." John B starts, quietly.

" They're doing a J thing." John B finishes, trying to reassure no one in particular.

" Do you think they'll go home?" I ask, worry evident in my voice.

" There's about a zero percent chance that either of them goes home." Pope answers, looking outside.

A tense silence fills the room for a moment.

" You okay?" John B asks Sarah.

" Yeah." Sarah answers, nodding.

" Are you?" Sarah asks him.

" I mean, I'm in one piece, so." John B says, smiling flirtasously at Sarah and she returns the smile.

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