Chapter 19

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" This is my dad's handwriting." John B tells us.

" How can you know that?" Pope asks.

"Because he does this weird thing ,with the R's. You see it." JB says, holding it so Pope can see.

" Can I see it?" JJ asks, and JB hands it to him.

" Red-Rout," JJ starts.

" No I think that's an A," JJ says.

" It says Redfield." I say.

" Right." JJ says.

" Okay, well, what's Redfield?" Kie asks.

" Besides the most common name in the county." Pope says sarcastically.

" Maybe it's a clue?" JB suggests. " Maybe it's a clue to where he's hiding." John B says.

" A clue, come on that-" Pope starts before seeing the angry faces Kie and I are giving him, telling him to shut up.

" But if it is a clue, maybe it's an anagram?" Pope suggests.

" Yes! Perfect. Anagram. You need paper." John B says, handing a piece of paper to Pope.

" How can you concentrate with that thing constantly crowing at you?" Pope complains, trying to figure the anagram out.

" Kens loves the rooster." John B says, and it's true, I do love the rooster.

" I love the rooster." Kie adds.

" Okay let me think." Pope says, focusing on the anagram.

" What about like, Ritalin?" JJ suggests.

Everyone just throws out guesses for a minute.

" Guys." JB says, looking out the window, but he gets ignored.

" Guys! Somebody's here!" JB yells, getting everyone's attention.

We all walk over to the window, and it's the men that were shooting at us, the men from Ms. Lana's house.

" Guys, is that them." Kie asks, fear in her voice.

" No," JJ complains.

" John B, I told you-" JJ starts.

" Hey, JJ, look at me." JB tells JJ, pushing JJ against the wall.

" Where's the gun?" JB asks him.

" The gun, I don't." JJ starts.

" Now you don't have the gun, the one time we need it." Kie says, panicking.

" It's in my bag, in the living room." I tell them.

" No, I took it, it's on the porch." JJ says, then running out of the room.

" John Routledge!" We hear a man yell, from the porch. JJ runs back into the room.

" Come on out! Now!" We hear the men yell.

" Where is the gun?" JB asks.

" They're on the front porch, guys." JJ whisper yells.

" Get out here!" A man yells, then we hear the front door open.

" Where you at, boy!" A man yells from the living room, then we hear crashing and things being tossed around.

" We gotta leave." Kie says. " Guys, window, window!" Kie whisper yells at us.

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