Chapter 63

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( They're in the church now just because I don't feel like writing the scene when they run there so yeah)

John B and I make our way into the attic or the church and I can feel my lungs burning from all the running. I lean my arms on my knees as I pant.

" Y'know, I wouldn't have gotten in that van with you if I knew all this running was gonna be involved." I manage to joke in between my heavy breathing.

John B lets out a breathy chuckle. He quickly moves around the room, looking out of the windows. I grab an old candle holder off of the ground and hold it tightly just in case. I hear rattling coming from below the hatch and I quickly look at John B to see that he too heard it. I quickly raise my arm, ready to swing at whoever is coming when the hatch opens, only for Sarah's head to pop up.

I let out a breath of relief. John B and Sarah both sigh in relief as they make eye contact.

" Hi." Sarah says, her voice filled with joy from just seeing John B.

I have never been more relieved to see Sarah in my life. I'm so glad that it's just her, rather than the cops, or her homicidal brother.

" Hi." John B says as she quickly gets up and runs toward him, engulfing him in a hug.

" I thought I'd never see you again." John B says.

I never would have thought that I'd feel like a third wheel on my own run from the cops, yet here I am.

I ignore them while they talk to each other, looking out of the windows and keeping my ears open in case anyone else decides to show up. Suddenly, I can hear footsteps from under us. I quickly ready myself and see that JB now has a candle holder of his own. John B quickly pushes Sarah behind him, and readys himself. I raise my arm, ready to swing.

The hatch opens, and Topper's head comes out.

" What're you doing here, Top?!" John B asks, yelling.

" Hey, just take it easy, guys." Topper says, raising one hand, using his other to keep his balance on the latter.

" Don't fucking move." I warn, raising my hand higher.

" Just let me-. I just need to talk to Sarah. Please." Topper says.

" Okay?" John B asks Sarah, turning to look at her. Sarah nods.

" It's not too smart, is it, meeting up with fugitives like this?" Topper asks Sarah, pulling himself up and into the attic.

" Hey, I'm not- I'm not- I'm not gonna do anything, all right." Topper says, putting his hands up, seeing that we still are ready to hit him at any moment.

" What're y'all gonna do? Gonna try to kill me too." Topper says, sweat dripping off of his face.

" They didn't kill anyone." Sarah says, defending us.

" Are you kidding me? He's literally brainwashed you, Sarah." Topper says, tapping the sides of his head dramatically.

" No." Sarah says firmly.

" Come on, snap out of it!" Topper says loudly.

I watch as John B whispers something to Sarah.

" Hey, everybody! They're up here!" Topper yells while pulling the rope to sound the bell.

" They're up here!" Topper yells.

" Shut up!" John B yells.

" They're up here, everybody!" Topper yells.

" Shut your mouth! Shut the fuck up, Topper!" I yell, grabbing Topper's face roughly. " Just shut the fuck up." I repeat sternly.

" All right. All right." Topper says, putting his hands up.

" Topper, knock it off." Sarahs says.

" You done?" I ask Topper, still gripping his jaw tightly.

" I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Topper says, looking over my shoulder at Sarah.

I reluctantly let go of him, still holding the candle holder tightly in my fist.

" Just take it easy." Topper says, breathing heavily.

" Sarah, I warned you about these Pogues, didn't I?" Topper asks.

" They're innocent." Sarah repeats.

" Then who did it, Sarah? Hm?" Topper asks.

" Rafe." Sarah admits.

" What are you talking about?" Topper asks, shaking his head in denial.

" Why would I say that my own brother did it, if it wasn't true?" Sarah asks rhetorically.

" I was there, Topper." Sarah explains.

" Don't lie to me." Topper says, not wanting to believe that his friend did it.

" Sheriff Peterkin was trying to arrest my father, and then Rafe shot her." Sarah explains.

" No." Topper says in disbelief.

" That's my brother." Sarah says, pausing. "Why would I lie about that?" She asks.

We stand in silence for a moment, when Sirens fill the air.

" Shit." JB says, looking out the window to see the cops cars.

" We've gotta go." I say.

" Sarah, you realize I'm the one that loves you." Topper says, desperately.

" I don't care right now, Topper!" Sarah says, raising her voice.

" Do you understand what's going on?" Sarah asks, fed up with Topper.

" I'm sorry for what I did, I'm sorry." Sarah says, apologizing for getting with John B while her and Topper were still together. " But this isn't about you. Okay?" Sarah says, and Topper's face screws up in confusion and pain.

" What does that mean, Sarah?" Topper asks, rubbing his face.

Is he stupid? ' What does that mean?' That means now is not the time to try and win back your ex-girlfriend.

" Hey, we've gotta go." John B tells Sarah quietly.

" Sarah, you've gotta realize that he doesn't love you." Topper says, raising his voice slightly.

" Stop!" Sarah yells.

" He doesn't love you. I'm the one that loves you." Topper says, grabbing her arm.

" Get your hands off her." John B says at the same time Sarah says stop. Topper lets go of her.

" He doesn't love you like I do, okay? And I can prove it." Topper says, pausing. " Sarah, just let me prove it to you." Topper says desperately.

Time skip

All three of us run out of the side door of the church and down the back road.

" I know a place we can hide, follow me." Sarah says, leading us towards Figure 8.

" You guys go, I'll meet you tomorrow at the dock." I tell John B, and he and Sarah stop running.

" Why don't you just come with us?" JB asks, breathing heavily.

" You know why. So, I'm gonna just go and I'll see y'all tomorrow." I say, turning to walk away.

" Wait!" JB calls out, and I stop walking.

" Where are you gonna go?" Sarah asks.

" I'll figure it out." I answer, running into the woods.

A/N: Hi! I'm sorry for the wait. Thank you for reading, please vote and comment, it really helps boost the story and it just makes my day. Have an amazing day/night!
Also, the video above made me cry so now y'all gotta go through it too.

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