Chapter 9

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We get to the boneyard and start setting up when I pull Kiara aside.

      "Hey, Kie?" I ask quietly because she is probably still mad at me.

" What's up MJ?" She asks.

       " I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier, it just felt like you were judging me."

" It's okay, to be honest I kinda was, but I shouldn't have been." Kie explains.

       " So, we good?" I ask.

" Yeah we're good." She confirms, smiling. Then we hug for a second before going back to help the boys.

Time skip

After an hour, the boneyard was packed with pogues, kooks, and tourons. Tourons are fun because they will do just about anything. I plan on hooking up with someone to get my mind off of my best friend.

      " What is she doing here?" Kiara asked, angered just by Sarah Cameron's presence.

" I don't know, but she'll probably just stay by her friends, so it shouldn't be a big deal." I tell her, then we walk away.

I see JJ flirting and drinking with some random touron so I immediately go find a cute boy to sit with.

( the picture on top is the boy)

I find out this boy's name is Leo, we flirt and go back and forth for a while. I even end up letting him smoke some of my joint and we drink together. I look around quickly, only to find JJ making out with the girl he was flirting with. I know that I shouldn't be jealous because we aren't dating, but I am so I decide to go for it and kiss the boy.

Time skip

He has me pinned up against a tree and he is kissing my neck, surely leaving hickies, but it feels nice, so I let him. His lips are soft, not as soft as I imagine JJ's are, but soft. He comes back up and we start kissing again, he tastes like weed and beer. But I'm pretty sure I do too.

He starts grabbing my ass and trailing kisses down my jaw line, then down my neck, I let out a moan and he chuckles. I look over his shoulder to find JB and JJ standing by each other, but JJ is glaring at us, at me.

I know it bothers him when I make out with rando's but I always assumed it was because I was his best friend, and I assumed he only saw me as that, but he has never looked at me like that.

We stop making out and start drinking again when I see JJ shove Topper. I grab my bag.

   " I am so sorry, I'll be back, maybe!" I yell as I run toward JJ and JB. I finally get over there when I hear.

   " Dirty pogues!" from Topper, and then John B shoves him.

" What the hell happened?" I ask JJ.

      " I offered Sarah a beer, she said no, then Top went to take it but when I pulled it back, he slapped it away, that's when I shoved him." JJ explains sharply, angry in his voice, but it's toward both me and Topper.

      " I love you but sometimes, you don't know when to leave well enough alone." I say to JJ. He ignores me and tries to talk to JB.

      " We were supposed to be incognito, remember." JJ tells JB.

John B lunges for Topper when Topper punches John B and John falls into the water.

     " Oh my god." I say, while everybody gasps.

" John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?!" Topper yells at JB.

      Topper and John B go back and forth before Topper starts to drown JB.

I grab my switchblade, open it , and run toward Topper and John B. I press my blade against his back, cutting him a little before placing it in front of his throat. He freezes, everyone does.

      " Let him go right now! Or So HELP ME GOD, I will slit your throat and not think twice about it!" I scream at him.

       " Hey let's just calm down, okay Makena." He offers, and lets John B go for a second. Only to elbow my nose, making me drop my blade and fall to the ground.

Topper starts to drown JB again. I'm still on the floor in pain, but I try to get up, only to fall again. I feel Pope start to pull me away from the fight. I let him because even if I wanted to, I couldn't fight him. After a few seconds I feel okay again, except for my nose, so I stand up and shake it off. That's when JJ steps up with his gun and puts the gun to the back of Topper's head.

      " Yeah, you know what that is!" JJ yells at Top while chuckling. " Your move, Broski." JJ tells him.

Almost Everyone but Sarah, Pope, Kie, and myself goes running. Everyone except myself is yelling for him to chill. Top lets go of JB but JJ doesn't stop.

      " Kie, Can you check your psycho friend, Please!" Sarah screams.

" Maybe if your boyfriend wasn't such a homicidal dickhead, he wouldn't have a gun to his head, Bitch!" I scream back, when she insulted JJ like that it just set off a switch.

      JJ eventually moves the gun off his head.

" Okay! everyone listen up! GET THE HELL OFF OUR SIDE OF THE ISLAND!" JJ screams, pointing his gun in the air and shooting it twice.

Everyone screams, except me, I flinch back, but I don't make a sound. I think I'm still in shock from what I can assume is a broken nose and to putting a knife to a guys throat.

     " Are you crazy? You idiot, why would you do that!?" Pope yells at JJ.

" Stupid, it's not worth it!" Kie screams.

      " I'm saving his life, okay!" JJ screams, and that snaps me out of it, not fully, but enough to go over to him. Pope and Kie are still screaming at him.

I grab his arm gently.

    " Hey, it's okay, you were just trying to help." I tell him softly, trying to reassure not only him but myself. He looks down at me, his gaze softening, ignoring Pope and Kie.

    " Can we please go now, please?" I beg him softly, while slowly grabbing the gun from his hand and putting it in my bag. He nods, grabbing my hand as we walk toward JB's van.

A/N: Hello! I hope you're doing good. Please vote if you liked it and comment because they make my day and I love knowing what you think of the story. I love you!

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