Chapter 29

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Sarah walks back into the room with rubbing alcohol and a first aid kit.

John B and Sarah sit on the couch in front of me while I stop spinning and just sit there, watching them.

" Lift up your shirt." Sarah tells him, opening the kit.

" That's gotta be disinfected." She tells him, grabbing the rubbing alcohol, and a cotton pad.

" Is that rubbing alcohol?" John B asks.

" Too bad it's not my kind of alcohol, I could use some of that right now." I say, chuckling. JB also laughs.

" Yes." Sarah says, answering JB's question.

" It's the only way to be safe." Sarah says, pouring the alcohol onto the cotton pad.

I go to make a sex joke but JB stops me.

" Don't even." John B tells me.

" I didn't do anything!" I say, putting my hands up in defense.

" But I know you, and you were about to." John B tells me.

" Ok, Mom." I mock him, putting my hands down and watching them.

" Close your eyes. On the count of 3." Sarah says.

" One, two." Sarah says and puts the rubbing alcohol on the wound.

" Oh!" John B yells.

" Shh!" Sarah says, putting her hand over JB's mouth, and I start dying of laughter. I put my hand over my mouth to muffle it though.

" My god." Sarah says, taking her hand off JB's mouth.

" Sorry." John B says.

" I've never heard anyone whine like that before." Sarah complains.

" Haven't you met your boyfriend?" I ask, I meant to mumble it but it came out regularly.

" Makena." JB scolds. Sarah looks at me angrily but keeps wiping at JB's wound.

" Stop." John B says, hitting her hand away.

" Excuse you." Sarah says.

" Sorry, sorry." John B apologizes.

" Who is the dude on the wall?" John B asks, looking at the giant portrait on the wall.

" It's Denmark Tammy, founder of Tannyhill." Sarah explains.

" Founder?" JB asks.

" Yeah." Sarah answers.

" So how did a slave, found a cotton plantation?" JB asks.

" He was a free man. He's kind of a mystery, showed up out of nowhere." Sarah explains.

" And paid for all of the land around here in gold." Sarah says. That interests me and JB.

" In gold?" We ask.

" Yeah." She answers and JB stands up.

" I'm not finished, Sancho." Sarah says.

I get up and walk over to him.

" Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask JB quietly.

" What are you thinkin'?" John B asks.

" That we should get tacos." I say sarcastically.

"Really?" JB asks.

" No, you idiot. That he found the Royal Merchant gold." I explain.

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