Chapter 2

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3 Weeks Later

Makena's POV

" Oh C'mon,  Abuelo, you and I both know you're going to miss me once we get to port. I'm gonna go off on my own and you're gonna be drinking coffee with a frown on your face, wishing you knew whether I had breakfast or not." I say, teasing Jackson. We pull into port in 10 minutes, Nicholls Town, which is part of the Bahamas. 

" No, I'm gonna be drinking my coffee with a smile cause the pain in my ass will be gone." Jackson retorts, but I see through him, even though we bicker, he cares about me, and I care about him.

" Whatever you say old man." I say smiling, ruffling his hair as I walk past him and into the "Dorms" which is just where the bunks are. 

I grab my stuff, which is really a small, old, beat-up backpack that Ava gave me since I lost mine in the wreck. I put an extra shirt, a pair of pants, and my socks in there. It's not a lot, but it's all I have. I grab my bag and sling it over one shoulder, and decide to go say goodbye to Harper. 

I walk towards Harper, who's currently leaning against the rails on the bow, and stand next to her. 

" Y'know, I'm gonna miss having you around. You're the only person I can speak Spanish with, it reminds me of my childhood." She says, a sad smile on her face. 

" I'm gonna miss you too, pero estoy seguro de que encontrarás a alguien más con quien hablar español. (but I'm sure you will find someone else to speak Spanish with.)  Who knows, maybe you could teach Captain Sean or Ava." I say, trying to reassure her. I have grown to like Harper, we aren't the closest, but we relate on the fact that we're the only Latina's in our groups. Harper and I mostly just small talk, and smoke together. It's not that we don't like each other, she just has a demanding job as the Captain's right hand. Anything goes wrong, it's on her, and it's her job to find someone to fix it, or to fix it herself. 

We give each other a small hug and I walk off to find Captain Sean. 

" Alright, since you don't have any documentation, you better go hide on the bridge, cause if they catch you on here, it's mine and your ass on the line." Captain Sean says, getting straight to business. 

" Alright." I say, starting to walk away towards the bridge when he gently grabs my arm, effectively stopping me, I turn around and look at him. 

" The next time I see you, you better not be floating in the middle of the ocean, you better be some hot-shot who's hiring me." Sean says gruffly, a small smile on his face, and I let a smile take over my face. Sean's a tough guy but he's kind underneath all that. 

" Of course, you'll be the manager of my first restaurant." I say jokingly.

" Alright now, go up on the bridge before somebody sees you." He says while smiling, moving me towards the stairs. 

" Just tell Ava I say goodbye." I say, stepping onto the first stair.

" Will do." Sean says before turning around and steering the boat. 

I walk up onto the bridge and sit on the floor so no one can see me through the windows.

Kiara's POV

" Now, Diocletian splits the sprawling Roman Empire..." The teacher says, just as Pope's, JJ's, and my phone all go off at the same time. 

" Who's phone was that?" The teacher asks, looking around the room. " Nobody's?" He asks. " You will be tested." He warns. 

" Now, to recap, who was Diocletian?" He asks, before answering himself but I tune him out as I pull out my phone. 

I look and see that it says I have an incoming message from an unknown number. 

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