Chapter 14

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" Did you find anything?" JJ asks, while JB gets to the ladder on the side of the boat.

       " Did I find anything." John B repeats, throwing a bag to JJ.

" Yeah, there we go, that's my boy!" JJ says.

       After a few seconds, John B gets on the boat and JJ says something to him but I'm not paying attention.

      " Hey, guy? Bogey, 2 o'clock." Kie says.

" What?" JJ asks, and we all turn toward where Kiara is pointing.

      " Do you recognize that boat?" Pope asks, I shake my head no.

" Never seen it." Kie says.

      " What are they doing here, the marsh is closed?" Kie asks.

" I don't know, but let's not stick around to find out." JJ says.

       " JJ, get the bowline." John B tells him.

" Yeah." JJ respond's, doing what JB asked.

       " Should we wait on 'em?" Pope asks.

" No, we're not gonna wait on them." John B answers.

       " Go get the stern, Go!" John B tells Pope, and Pope listens.

" JJ, hurry up." Kie tells JJ.

       " Guys, don't wait for me. Go!" JJ tells us, pulling the anchor up.

" Let's go!" I say.

       " I don't like this." JB says.

" Are they coming for us?" JJ asks, worry filling his voice.

        " Maybe they're fishing." Pope asks, but I can tell he doesn't believe that.

" Go! Go! GO!" JJ yells.

        " Go into the marsh!" I tell JB.

" I'm going, act natural." John B tells us.

        " Hey, guys, they're following us!" Kie yells.

" This can't be good." Pope says.

        " Shit!" I yell, running my fingers through my hair.

" Dude, you gotta go faster!" JJ tells John B.

        " I'm going." JB retorts.

" Gun it!" I yell.

I hear a gunshot from behind us.

     " Holy shit!" Kie says, as we all duck.

" What the fuck!?" I scream.

      Another shot goes off, and Pope is laying in the fetal position on the floor.

" Oh, my god, we're gonna die!" Pope yells.

      " We're not gonna die!" I yell back.

" Shit, Pope move!" Kie yells, while gesturing for me to help her. We run over to the net.

Kie and I are carrying the net to the back of the boat, when another shot goes off.

      " Get down guys!" John B yells.

We throw the net into the water behind us as they fire again. They get caught in the net, and we start to get away.

" Let's go!" Pope yells.

We finally get away, when we all sigh with relief.

     " Oh My God." JJ says, " Woah!" He exclaims.

" That was insane!" Kie says.

Time skip to when they get back to the dock

     We get to the dock and put the bag on the ground. John B starts to open it.

     " What do you guys think it is?" Kie asks

" Gotta be money." JB says.

     " Drugs." I say.

" Can we please just open the bag?" Pope says.

John B opens the bag and finds a metal tube. He opens the tube and inside is a compass.

      " Oh wow, yep. That's about right!" Pope says sarcastically. " Good job everybody, we found a compass." Pope says.

      John B is staring at the compass in his hand , and JJ notices.

" Dude, what? It's not worth anything." JJ says.

     " This was my father's." JB explains.

( Sorry this was shorter than the other ones but it's the end of the episode and I didn't want to tie the episodes together.)

A/N: Hi! I hope you're having a good day. Please vote if you like it. Please comment, it makes my day and I like knowing what you guys think of the story. Thank you for reading, I love you!

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