Chapter 53

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A/N: Hi! Thank you for reading. I'm pretty sure in other chapters I've given the Chateau power but lets pretend that I didn't and that it doesn't have power, thanks. Also please vote and comment. And possible trigger warning: Biting, just once.

We all pull up to the Chateau and go inside.

" Holy shit. I can't believe we actually did it." I say still in awe as I plop down on the pullout.

" Me either." JJ says, going into the kitchen and I can hear him open the cooler.

" We're gonna be so rich. I'm gonna start working on a plan to get the gold up." Pope says, grabbing a random piece of paper and a pencil.

" Here, we gotta celebrate." JJ says, handing everyone a beer.

" I'm gonna go take a shower, then we can celebrate. " John B says, walking to the bathroom.

" I can't wait, we are gonna be so loaded." Kiara says, clearly still in awe as she takes a swig of her beer.

" You're already loaded." JJ retorts, chuckling as he sips his beer.

'" Ha!" Sarah laughs jokingly at Kie.

" So are you. You probably have more money than everyone on the Figure combined." I joke, swigging out of my beer.

Time skip

" Bye, I gotta get Sarah home on time or Ward will kill me." John B says, standing up and wrapping his arm around Sarah.

" Wait, I need a ride too." Pope says, quickly finishing his beer as he stands up.

" Same." Kiara says, hopping up from her seat.

" Be careful, love ya." I say to them all as they walk out the door.

" Love ya too!" JB, Kie, and Pope reply.

I lay back down on the couch, resting my head in JJ's lap.

" I still can't believe it." JJ says, taking a swig from his 6th beer. " We are gonna be Kooks. A Maybank is gonna be a Kook." JJ says in disbelief.

" Yes he is. And so is a Johnson." I say, smiling up at him.

I admire his face, even from below he is the most gorgeous person on the planet. His sun kissed skin glowing in the candle light, his pearly whites shining every time he smiles or laughs, and his disheveled blonde hair going out in different directions. His lean yet muscular figure and the way his muscles move under his skin when he moves draws me in and mesmerizes me.

After a moment, he looks down and smiles at me. His sky blue eyes pouring in mine. I reach up and grab the back of his neck, pulling him down until our lips collide in a soft, loving kiss. After a moment, he pulls away for air.

" I love you." I say, keeping eye contact with him.

" And I love you." He says, smiling down at me.

He leans forward slightly to put his beer down on the table, before leaning back and relaxing into the pullout bed. We sit in comfortable silence. We steal glances of each other, but remain quiet. We just enjoy each other's company, not forcing a conversation.

I get up and find a small radio and set it on the table, turning it to the rock station JJ and I like. I walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of tequila and walk back into the living room.

" Damn, hard liquor?" JJ remarks playfully.

" We're celebrating aren't we?" I retort, twisting the cap off the bottle and taking a swig.

JJ walks over and takes the bottle from me and takes a drink as I start to dance to the music.

" I love this song." I say, turning the radio up and dancing around.

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