Chapter 60

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Rafe suddenly points the gun at me. He mutters to himself and I feel like I can't breathe. I am completely frozen, stuck in my head. Peterkin coughs dryly and I snap out of my mind. I rush toward Peterkin, and John B joins me.

       " Hold still." I say to Peterkin, my words shaky as I grab John B's bandana and apply pressure to her wound, desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

" It's okay, you're going to be okay." I reassure her. John B keeps trying to comfort her as she slowly keeps bleeding out.

       " I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." John B mutters, taking another bandana and putting it on top of his blood soaked one, as he takes over applying pressure.

       " Call." Peterkin wheezes out, her voice raspy.

" Call for help." She says.

       " Hey! Hey!" Rafe yells as John B grabs the radio.

" Rafe, no." Ward says.

       " Don't try it, asshole." Rafe says, getting close and pointing the gun at John B's head.

" John B, give me the radio." Ward says, getting down at our level and pushing Rafe's hand away.

       " No." John B mutters as I put more pressure on her gunshot wound.

" Give me the radio." Ward repeats softly, and JB doesn't respond.

       " Give me the damn radio." Ward says as he prys the radio out of John B's hands.

Peterkin panics and she starts wheezing more and more, and I can hear Sarah crying from behind us.

       Rafe raises his gun towards us again, and aims it more towards me.

" Rafe, I've got it, calm down." Ward orders, raising the radio in his hands.

       " Rafe, put the gun down." Ward says, trying to move Rafe's arms down.

" Run." Peterkin wheezes between shallow breaths.

       " We're not leaving you." John B says, helping me apply pressure.

I can hear Rafe and Ward talking but I can't hear them clearly.

       " Run." Peterkin repeats.

" I'm sorry." I mutter to Peterkin, as John B and I quickly get up.

       " Where you goin'? Huh!" Rafe yells as we make our way back towards Sarah and the van.

" Run." Sarah says, pushing JB and I back.

       John B and I take off and Sarah moves to hold Rafe back. We sprint through the field of tall grass as shots are fired in our direction. We both look back as we keep moving forward, into the tree's.

       We run through the woods and finally get on the road. Suddenly we hear a car horn and John B gets hit and falls to the floor.

" JB." I say, panicked as I run toward him.

       " Hey, y'all okay?" The driver asks us as I help John B up.

John B steadies himself quickly on the car, leaning on it for support, leaving a bloody handprint on the windshield. John B starts running again, limping as we both run.

       " Hey, man! You're bleeding! You need some help?!" The driver calls out, getting out of his car.

Time skip

John B and I find the Pogues inside of a little shed thing. We walk in quietly, both in shock, and covered in blood. Pope spots us, and Kiara and JJ turn to look.

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