Chapter 58

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I can feel the breath catch in my throat, and I hear everyone stop moving. John B quickly drives off and I can't help but freeze.

" John B!" Kiara yells, running after him, followed by JJ and Pope.

All I can think about is Big John. He was basically my family, and losing him hurt. John B must feel terrible. He lost his father, and then he trusted Ward, and now he finds out Ward betrayed him. I can feel the anger slip into my mind, I want to destroy Ward Cameron, tear his life apart piece by piece and set fire to his reputation.

" Shit!" JJ yells, and I snap out of my own mind.

" Son of a bitch!" I yell, kicking a lawn chair, which sends it flying into a tree.

Time skip ( night time now)

" We are gonna go look for John B, you coming?" Pope asks me, motioning towards the door.

" No, I'm gonna stay here in case he comes back." I explain, readjusting my spot on the couch.

" Okay, well, see you later." Pope says, dabbing me up before walking outside.

I sit back and close my eyes, just trying to process everything that's happened today. I hear the door swing open and I look to see JJ standing in the doorway.

" You're not coming?" JJ asks, stepping closer.

" No, I'm going to wait here in case he comes back, so he isn't alone." I explain, sitting up.

" It feels weird without you." He says, smiling slightly.

" Just try not to get into too much trouble." I say, smiling at him.

" No promises." He jokes, quickly kissing me before walking outside.

I get up and walk into the kitchen, it's a disaster, and I occasionally stress clean. I walk around and throw out the numerous beer cans and fast food wrappers. I clean out the fridge and throw away anything moldy and expired. I even sweep and mop. I clean the living room, making the pullout bed and sweep the floor. I scrub the bathtub, and clean the sink, toilet, and the mirror, I mop and by the time I'm done it smells like fabuloso and bleach. I take a quick shower and change into a bralette with an old muscle tank of JJ's on top, paired with a pair of old shorts I made out of joggers.

I go to my room and sit on the bed. I don't like the quiet that much, it makes my mind wander, which is almost never a good thing. I go to the hall closet and grab an old radio/cd player and go back to my room. I set the cd player on the side table and grab a random cd and put it in. The sounds of Mötley Crüe fill the room and I grab a book off my dresser. I start reading and before I know it, my eyes feel heavy.

Time skip

" Hello!" I hear someone yell through the house, I hear it, but I brush it off, still half asleep.

" JJ! Makena!" I hear them yell again, and this time I jolt awake.

John B is back. I get up and slide my chanclas on. I can hear his soft sobbing and I quickly walk out of my room. I see him leaning against the door frame, his body jolting with each sob. My heart breaks as I make my way to him. I lightly touch his arm, making him aware of my presence.

He quickly and forcefully pulls me into a hug, and I immediately return it. I can feel his body jumping up and down as he sobs into me. I can feel his tears hit my skin, but I don't care. I softly rub my hands up and down his back, comforting him. He holds me hard, as if he hasn't seen me in a hundred years.

We aren't as close as we used to be, and I'm partially to blame for that. Lately I've been so wrapped up in JJ that I haven't really spent one on one time with my surrogate brother. I hold him firmly as he lets it all out.

Slowly, his sobs quiet to soft cries and he releases his hold on me. He makes his way over to his mirror, and grabs a picture of his dad. He sits down and stares at the picture, still crying.

" I miss you." He softly whispers, and I wouldn't have heard it if I wasn't paying so much attention to him right now.

" Can you grab me some twigs?" JB asks softly, holding the picture firmly in his hand.

" Of course." I answer, slightly confused, but willing to help anyway I can.

I go outside and quickly gather a bunch of twigs, and quickly make my way back to his room. I set the twigs down and sit beside him.

" I wanna make a memorial for him." John B says, and it hits me like a ton of bricks.

JB has finally accepted what everyone else knows, that Big John's gone.

" Of course, do you want me to help?" I ask, looking at him.

" Yes, please." He answers.

It's weird seeing him so vulnerable and emotional. He's normally such a leader, always being stubborn and bossy, yet here he is, being soft and vulnerable. It's not the first time I've seen it, and I've seen it this year more than any other, but it's still abnormal. He's cried with me a couple of times since his dad's gone missing.

We quickly finish building the little boat, and make our way to the dock. We sit on the edge, and I hand the candle and the boat to John B. He puts the candle on the boat and props the picture up against it. He lights the candle and holds it for a moment.

" Goodbye, dad." John B says quietly. JB looks over to me, and silently asks if I have anything to say.

" Goodbye, Uncle John." I say, and my eyes start to tear up, but I quickly push them back.

John B gently sets the little raft into the water, and we both watch it drift away in silence. John B and I lean into each other, my head is resting on his shoulder, and his head rests on mine.

Time skip

I can feel the heat from the sun beaming onto my skin, and I slowly open my eyes. We're still on the dock, and John B's still asleep. I get up and gently rub my neck, it's sore, but that's what I get for using a life jacket as a pillow. I move towards the edge of the dock, and let my feet dangle into the water. I just watch as bugs and cranes fly over the water, skimming across the top as they look for food. It's peaceful. The orange glow from the morning sun makes everything ten times prettier.

I hear John B rustling, but I don't look back. I'm still upset with him, but he needs me. I hear more movement and I can feel him stand up.

" Shit." He says loudly, and I turn back to look at him. What the hell happened now?

He takes off, and I quickly turn to look at where he's going. I get up and start after him but he's already at the Twinkie, and I know that I can't catch up if I tried.

" Whatever." I mutter, walking into the Chateau.

A/N: Hi! Sorry for not publishing for a while, but here's chapter 58! I'm sorry it's kinda short. Thank you for reading! Please vote and comment, it helps more people see this story, it also just makes my day. Have an amazing day/night!

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