Chapter 7

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" I thought the Chateau looked bad." JJ says while we pull up to the motel.

" This place is a shitshow." JB says

" Motel or Meth lab?" Kie asks

" You be the judge." Pope and I say at the same time.

" Jinx, you owe me a soda." I say to Pope, he laughs.

" Doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady White would stay." JB says.

" No, looks like the place someone with a Grady White would get killed." Pope adds.

" All right, here we go." JJ says as we get closer to the motel.

" This is your captain speaking, HMS Pogue comin' in for landing." He says, then jumps onto the land, tying a rope that's attached to the boat to a metal stick in the ground.

" We good?" John B asks JJ.

" Yeah, we're good." JJ replies.

" All right, here goes nothing." John B says, moving to get off the boat.

" Hey," Pope says to JB.

" Yeah?" JB responds.

" Don't let them do anything stupid." Pope tells JB, looking at me and JJ.

" Oh, we will." JJ responds, putting his arm over my shoulders.

" I'm not making promises." John B tells Pope.

" Yeah, I know." Pope says, putting his head down in defeat.

" Be careful. I mean it" Kie tells JB while handing him the motel key.

Me and JJ share a questioning look before JB gets out of the boat.

" Yeah." John B tells her.

" Let's go." John B says, hitting JJ's shoulder and walking toward the motel.

" Why are all these mattresses out here?" John B asks.

" After a hurricane, they have to ditch 'em cause they're moldy." JJ explains.

We get to the second level of the motel before we start messing with John B.

" Just be so careful John." JJ mocks while caressing JB's arms, chest, and face. John B pushes him off though. I'm laughing behind them.

" God, you're so weird." JB tells him, still walking toward the motel room.

" What was all that about?" I ask John B.

" I don't know, maybe she wants us to be careful." John B replies sarcastically.

" No, I know girls, we don't do that when we want our friends to be careful." I say, emphasizing the word "friends".

" Ever since she heard you were being threatened with exile, she just been like."-

" Oh! Be so careful, John B." JJ says, while rubbing JB's shoulders.

" Get off." John B tells JJ, while shrugging him off. I'm still laughing while following them.

" She's like; " Oh, just give me that John D already." I say, this time both JJ and I are laughing, JJ high fives me before continuing.

" When are you gonna swoop on that, man?" JJ asks John B.

" Bro, you know the rule, No pogue-on-pogue macking." JB explains. And that sticks with me, telling me why I haven't admitted to anyone but myself that I like JJ.

Pogue on Pogue- JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now