Chapter 18

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We hop out of the van and start walking toward Ms.Lana's house.

      "Know what this house looks like?" John B asks.

" Whoever lives here smokes too much weed." JJ answers.

      " That's not possible." I tell them.

We continue towards the house and then we hear glass breaking it sounds like someone's throwing things around.

     " Bullshit!" We hear a man's voice yell from inside.

" Maybe we should come back." JJ suggests.

      "Maybe, it's a little too soon." JJ says.

" No, no, shut up, JJ." John B says.

       " Tell me where it is, or I'll fuck you up." A man from inside the house yells. We hear Ms.Lana yell.

" I'll sink you in the fucking-" I man starts to yell but gets cut off by the sound of glass breaking.

        " You're hurting me!"  Ms.Lana yells out.

" I-" JJ starts, but immediately gets cut off by JB.

     " Shut up, come on." John B tells him.

We run over to the side of the house, and JJ pulls JB down to duck. I am already ducking.

      " You-" JJ starts whispering.

" Shut up." JB whisper yells.

       " You still think we should stay?" JJ asks sarcastically.

We listen to what's happening inside.

      " The compass wasn't in the boat!" A man from inside yells.

" Where is it Lana?!" A man yells.

     " I don't know!" Ms.Lana yells back.

Something crashes and paint flakes start to fall onto us.

    I see JJ start to shake a little and I can tell that he is more affected by this situation than John B or I, so I make my way over to him and sit, grabbing his hand and squeezing it.

     " It's okay." I whisper to him, trying to make him feel better

We are all silent for a second.

      " Let's get the hell out of here, man." We hear from inside.

" We should just go. He's got smuggler-" JJ starts.

      " Shut up." John B tells him, but it doesn't stop JJ.

" Smuggler written all over him." JJ continues.

     We peek over the side of the house and see 2 men walking away, we also hear Ms.Lana crying from inside the house. We see the men  get in the boat and start to leave.

      " Dude, those were the guys who shot at us." I say.

We sneak around to the front of the house and go inside.

     " Holy shit." I say, looking around and seeing everything is knocked over and destroyed.

" Ms.Lana?" John B calls out.

       We walk through the house and find her on the floor of the bathroom, crying. John B runs up to her.

" Hey, are you okay?" John B asks.

      " It's okay." He tells her.

 " Dude, she's tweakin'." JJ tells him. I slap his arm, kinda hard if I'm being honest.

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