Chapter 16

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( Makena's POV)

My father has stopped coming towards me, I am now sobbing into my hands on the ground with my knees to my chest.

I hear him talking to someone and I peek one eye from my arms, only to see the most beautiful woman I will ever know, my mom. My mom has beautiful blonde hair, and milk chocolate eyes with a hint of gold in them. Unfortunately I got my father's hair but at least I have her eyes.

     " Mom?" I ask, seeing my beautiful mother standing next to my father.

It can't be, my mom's dead, and it was my fault, but if she is here right now, I have to apologize.

     " Mom, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have been out that late, I should have been with you, it should have been me." I tell my mother, still crying on the ground.

     Now I hear what really sounds like my father.

" It should have been you, look what you took from me." I hear him say, and then I see him approach me, this time I don't freeze, I bolt.

     I run into John B's house, into his bedroom and lock the door behind me. I sit on the bed, still crying but slightly lighter now.

I hear loud knocks on the door and I think it's my father, I can't see who it is but it sounds like my dad.

      " I'm sorry, please go away!" I scream. I hear chatter from behind the door but I can't make out what they are saying, I hear someone walk away, and then I hear light knocks.

      " Makena, it's me." I hear my mom say from behind the door.

" Mom?" I ask, just to be sure.

      " Yeah." I hear her say.

I open the door to see my mother standing there. She walks into the room and closes the door behind her. I sit on the bed, my guilt weighing on me.

     " I miss you, mom. It's my fault, it should have been me." I explain to my mom.

" It wasn't your fault." My mom tells me

     " Yes it was, it's my fault you're dead, it's my fault that he's like this, if it had been me, he would still be happy with you." I cry into my hands.

I feel my mom wrap her arms around me and I wrap around her too. I feel her soft hair touching my cheek as I nuzzle into the crook of her shoulder. I smell her perfume, her rose scented perfume. I breath it in and get a hint of salt water. After 30 seconds, my mom pulls away. I open my eyes, but the person in front of me is no longer my mom, it's JB.

      " John B?" I ask.

"MJ?" He replies.

     " What happened?" I ask and as I ask everything that has just happened hits me. It wasn't my dad, it was JJ, and it wasn't my dead mother, it was John B.

" Where's JJ? He must be feeling so bad right now." I ask, jumping off my bed.

     " He's fine, he's outside." John B tells me.

" Thank you!" I yell as I bolt out of the room, out of the house.

     I look outside and see JJ standing there, his back facing me.

" JJ!" I yell as I run towards him, he turns around just in time to catch my hug.

     After around 10 seconds, we both pull away.

" I'm sorry, JJ. I should have known it was you." I apologize as we walk over to the porch steps, and sit down.

      " You apologize too much, you don't have to apologize for just being you." He tells me.

" Sorry." I say, earning a look from him. " I mean, duly noted." I correct, making him smile.

      " JJ?" I ask.

" MJ?" he answers.

       " Do you still like me?" I ask.

" It takes more than a psychotic break to shake me." He tells me.

       " Dickhead." I laugh, lightly punching his arm.

" Ow." He complains, rubbing his arm.

      " Would now be a bad time to ask if you want to be my girlfriend?" He asks.

" Probably, but bad timing has never stopped us before." I retort while smirking.

      " True." He says before grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes.

" Makena Johnson, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asks.

      " Hell yeah." I say, before grabbing his face and kissing him softly.

After 10 seconds, we both pull away.

      " What about the Pogues?" I ask him.

" What about them?" He asks, confused.

      " What are we going to tell them?" I ask.

" That we're together?" He asks, clearly confused.

      " What about John B's rule; No Pogue on Pogue macking?" I ask.

" Well then we won't tell them." He tells me.

      " But we have to, they are our family, I can't lie to them." I say, worrying about what they'll think.

" We will do whatever you want to do," JJ tells me, grabbing my face to make me look him in the eye.

      " As long as I get to do this," He says, kissing my lips. " And this," He continues, kissing my left cheek, " And this," He says kissing my right cheek, causing me to giggle.

      " We will tell them soon okay, when everything is okay and everyone is in a good mood." I explain, more to myself than him.

" Okay." He tells me, pulling me to JB's hammock. We get to the hammock and get in, I am laying on top of him.

      We make out for a bit, but mostly just lay there, looking at the stars, and talking about anything and everything that comes to mind.

A/N: Aww 🥰. Hi! I hope you're doing well. Please vote if you like it. Please comment, it really makes my day and I like knowing what you think of the story. Thanks for reading, I love you!

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