Chapter 44

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As we pull up to the Chateau I decide what I'm gonna do for our date. We are gonna have a picnic on the beach, then go surfing, and maybe go to a party that I heard about from some of the waiters at work. JJ hops out of the boat and ties it to the dock as John B and Pope head inside. I follow them, but make sure to sway my hips a little more to rile up JJ. It works and I feel JJ's gaze on my ass as I walk into the Chateau. After a moment JJ joins us in the living room.

" I'm gonna head home and take a nap." Pope says, standing up and dabbing John B up.

" See ya." Pope says, bro hugging JJ before giving me a half hug.

" See ya later, be careful!" I call out as he walks out the front door.

" Be careful?" JJ asks, irritation clear in his voice, but mixed with confusion. I don't wanna tell him what Rafe said, because I know it'll only add fuel to the fire, and possibly send JJ off the rails, and I really don't want to deal with that, but JJ is also getting angry for no reason.

" What?" I ask, anger seeping into my voice.

" Why did you tell him to be careful?" JJ asks, getting angrier.

" I'm gonna head out, see you guys later." John B says awkwardly, giving me a small smile, and nodding at JJ before walking towards the door.

" See you later, Be Careful." I say as he walks out the door, making sure to emphasize ' Be careful', just to mess with JJ. I see JJ's jaw clench, showing me that it bothers him.

" What is your problem?" JJ asks, crossing his arms.

" I don't have one, but you clearly do." I retort, letting the anger seep into my voice, but I make sure not to raise my voice.

" What's with the " Be careful, Pope." and the " Be careful, John B." Huh?" JJ asks, raising his voice slightly.

" Nothing, I just want them to be careful." I say, rolling my eyes.

" Why are you rolling your eyes?" JJ asks, gesturing at my eyes with his hands and taking a step forward.

" Because you are being irrational." I snap back, my voice raising slightly.

" How am I being irrational? You're the one acting just like Kiara was not to long ago." JJ asks, taking another step, and I subconsciously take a step back.

" I am not. Kiara was like that because she had a small little crush on JB. I said to be careful because with our luck they could get hurt!" I yell, and I immediately feel bad about yelling. I take a deep breath and try to calm down.

JJ doesn't say anything for a second, and I can tell he has run out of things to say.

" Sit down please." I say, pointing to the chair right behind him, as I take a seat on the couch. JJ sits down and looks at me.

" Why are you being so jealous?" I ask softly.

" I don't know." JJ says, looking at me.

I know that he knows, he just doesn't want to tell me. I give him a look that says " Yes, you do, now spill."

" Yes you do, so tell me, please? " I ask, lightly grabbing his hand.

" I guess I'm just worried that you're gonna leave me, because why wouldn't you? You're beautiful, you could pull anybody you want. So why would you be with me, the broken, poor, waste of space criminal?" JJ says, tears filling his eyes.

" You're not broken, or a waste of space. You're amazing and handsome, and my best friend , and I'm incredibly lucky to be with you. I wouldn't wanna be with anyone else. I'm yours, only yours, and you can't get rid of me." I explain, straddling him and pulling him into a hug.

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