Chapter 26

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We get back to the chateau, get changed into swimsuits, grab our surf boards and get into the water where JB and Kie are.

       " Hey! Save some waves for us!" JJ yells as we run into the water.

      " Where have you been?" Kie asks.

We surf almost all day. I like to think I'm not the worst out of all of us, but JJ is the best. I love JJ's purple board, I have a nice baby blue board.

     Once it gets too dark to see much, we go back onto land, and sit down by the hammock.

    JJ and I are in the hammock and everyone else is sitting in chairs around us.

      " You really think it's out there? Like no bullshit?" Pope asks JB, referring to the Royal Merchant.

       " My father thought it was." John B answers.

       " But, do you?" Pope asks again.

" After hearing his voice on that tape, I think I do." John B answers.

       " Only one way to find out." Pope says, then him and JB do their special handshake.

       " Look, we're gonna find it, you know. Even JJ believes." Kie adds.

       " Oh my god, JJ, do you really believe?" JB asks in a high pitched voice.

       " Totally. Wait, are we talking about 4 Mil?"  JJ asks.

       " 400 mil." Pope, Kie, and I correct.

" Jinx." Kie says, making me chuckle.

       " I'm gonna dream about shipwrecks." JJ says, turning over and throwing his arm around my waist.

       " Good night, bird." JJ says to JB.

" Good night bird shit." I add, laughing. Then I snuggle closer to JJ, and fall asleep.


Time skip to when they look for the ship with the camera thing.


     " All right, JJ. Pin it here." John B yells from the other side of the boat.

     " Roger that! X marks the spot." JJ says, turning off the engine.

     " All right ladies and gentleman." John B says, pulling the drone out of the box.

     " To going full kook." John B says, putting the drone in the water.

      Kie is helping the ether into the water, while Pope and I are looking at the camera screen. John B is looking at the GPS to tell us where the wreck is, and JJ is on standby to sail if we need him.

      " All right, JJ, we're right over it. Ten seconds northwest." John B yells to JJ.

     " Got it, ten seconds, northwest." JJ says.

" 100 feet!" Kie calls out, seeing the mark on the tether that signifies we are 100 feet deep.

      Pope gasps as a squid passes the camera.

" Squid, cool." I says, then look at him.

     " Big baby." I tell him.

" What, what, what, what?" John B asks, comes over to us.

      " Sorry, it's nothing." Pope explains. JB just sighs.

     " Don't do that to me, man." JJ says from the hut where the wheel is.

    " My bad." Pope says.

We watch the camera go further and further down, but we don't see anything yet.

    " And to quote The Hobbit ' Down, down, to Goblin Town. Down, down, you go, my lad." Pope says.

     " 400 feet." Kie calls out, using chalk to mark the fourth tally on the side of the boat.

     We are all still just waiting for a few seconds before I hear thunder in the distance.

    " The tides turning!" Kie calls out.

" Hey, JJ." JB says.

       " Ten seconds, alright. South-Southeast." JB tells him.

     " Copy that." JJ replies before turning the boat around. The wind starts to pick up.

      " JJ, 20 seconds mid-speed, all right, south!" JB tells him.

      " Copy that!" JJ answers.

" Keep the tether out of the prop!" JJ tells Kiara.

      " I'm trying!" Kie retorts.

" JJ, keep going!" John B says.

       After a few seconds we stop.

" John B, is that good?" JJ asks.

      " We're good, we're good!" JB answers.

" 700 feet!" Kie calls out.

       The thunder becomes louder and the waves are getting bigger, the wind starts blowing faster.

       " JJ, hold it steady!" John B says.

" 900!" Kie calls out.

       " JJ, we're gonna turtle in this storm." Pope tells him.

       " 920!" Kie calls out.

" Crank it north by northwest! Ten seconds!" John B yells.

       " Pope, MJ, how we doin'?" John B asks.

" Almost there." We answer.

       " John B, there's too much current, we're gonna lose it!" Kie yells, holding onto the tether as hard as she can.

      I run over to her and hold onto it, pulling back with her.

    " South, southwest, JJ! Hard!" John B yells.

" Half speed. Steady at this beating, JJ!" John B yells.

     " What do you got Pope? What do you see?" John B asks.

      " Nothin', a whole lot of nothin'." Pope answers.

      " You should be right above it, brother." John B says.

      " Kiara!" Pope calls out.

" 960!" She replies, and we keep feeding the tether into the water.

      " 970!" I call out.

" 980!" Kie calls out.

       " I'm at the bottom! I'm at the bottom!" Pope says.

       " Okay, steady here, JJ!" John B says.

" Quarter speed, all right!" John B tells JJ.

        " We should be seeing something, man." John B says to Pope.

       " I know, I know!" Pope answers.

" Wait!" Pope says. Kiara and I run over to the screen.

       " Oh, good God." Pope says, looking at the screen.

       " You see anything?!" JJ asks.

" It's the Royal Merchant." JB says, quietly.

        " The Royal Merchant, babe!" I yell to JJ.

A/N: Hi! I hope you're having a good day. Please vote if you liked this chapter. Please comment because they make me happy and I like knowing what you think of the story so far. Thank you for reading.

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