Chapter 1

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" To Makena." I say, tears in my eyes as I hold up my flask, looking at the memorial we burned into the tree.

" And John B." Pope adds somberly, setting the ax down.

" And to Sarah." Kie adds weakly.

I take a swig from my flask, and the liquor burns as it travels down my throat, but I welcome the pain. I refuse to cry right now, I am so tired of crying, so I drown out my despair with alcohol, at least for today.

Kiara grabs the box full of sentimental items and moves towards the hole that Pope dug in the ground. She sets the box into the hole and each of us gently sets a white flower down on top, before we cover it with dirt.

Time skip

I stand in front of the tree, staggering from all the alcohol, and take another swig as I try to fight the tears.

" I hate you. I hate you so fucking much." I say, tears streaming down my face as I stare at Makena's name on the tree. " You said you'd always be here for me! And now you're gone, and I'm still here!" I yell, throwing my flask at the tree, watching as it strikes her name and bounces off.

" You promised me-You promised that you wouldn't die! You promised that you wouldn't be so reckless!" I scream as sobs continue to wrack my body. " Why did you have to go with him?! Why did you follow him that day on the runway? You should've been here!" I yell, my voice cracking as I slide down the tree, leaning against it. " You should be here." I mutter, tears continuing to fall from my eyes.

Flashback; November 12th, 2013: Makena's POV

The pain in my chest increases as I continue to sob in the darkness of the forest. I can't believe she's really gone. I hear footsteps and look up to see JJ making his way toward me. He sits down next to me and envelops me in a tight hug.

" Hey, it'll be okay." He says quietly, holding me tighter as I sob into his shirt, my tears seeping through the material.

" No. No, No, it won't be okay. She's gone." I sob, my voice cracking.

" I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." JJ says, rubbing up and down my back as my harsh sobs turn softer.

" Promise me," I start, stopping to control my breath as sobs still threaten to take over.

" Promise you what?" He asks quietly, pulling away slightly to look at me.

" Promise you won't leave me, you can't die on me. I need you." I say, looking right into his eyes.

" I promise I won't leave you. But you have to promise not to die either, I need you more." JJ says, pulling out of the hug.

" I promise." I say, sadly smiling up at him, tears still running down my face, and a headache starts to form.

" Pinky swear." JJ says, holding his pinky out.

" Pinky swear." I say, lightly wrapping my pinky around his.

Makena's POV:

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