Chapter 34

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TW: Domestic Violence

We finally get into the house and I notice I have a new door, but my dad was always like that. He has always cleaned the house up, because he is worried about someone coming over unexpectedly. I don't know why he is worried about that, his only friends are the liquor store owner, and his drug dealer.

Then, I feel a hard backhanded slap on my right cheek, making me stumble, but I don't fall.

Before I have time to react my father punches me in the gut, and I fall to my knees.

" You're so fucking stupid!" My father yells at me.

I stand up and put my fists up, not because I think I can win, but because I'm tired of being pushed around. I'm pissed.

" Fuck you!" I scream, and before I know what I'm doing, I punch him in the jaw.

" Crazy Bitch!" He screams, and then he grabs me by my hair and throws me onto the glass coffee table, breaking it.

I feel the glass pierce my skin but I don't have time to sit there before he starts to drag me away, into the dining area, by my leg.

I kick both of my legs out, and one of them hits his arm.

" Fucking Bitch, you're gonna regret that!" My father screams, as I try to stand up.

My father then grabs me by my hair again and then he knees me in the stomach until he lets go of my hair, allowing me to fall to the floor.

" Fucking bastard!" I shout, attempting to stand up, but then a feel something hit the back of my head, and I fall to the floor, and it all goes black.

( Time skip to around 3:30pm )

I wake up and immediately my eyes fly open.

" Finally." My father breathes, sitting in a chair in front of me.

I look down and see that I am tied to another chair.

" Why are you doing this?" I ask, struggling to get out of the chair.

" Because, you deserve it. You killed your mother, you ruined my life!" He yells, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter. My eyes go wide, and I start panicking.

" Please don't." I beg, still struggling.

" You're not gonna get out, just take your punishment and learn." He explains, lighting the cigarette.

" You don't have to do this, I'll be better." I promise, struggling even more as he walks toward me with the cigarette.

" Yes I do, or you'll never learn how to stop being a stupid, little, drug using, slut!" He yells, then I feel it.

He puts the cigarette in my left thigh, and I feel it burning my skin. I feel it everywhere, the heat travels through my body.

I scream out in pain, only for him to laugh, sinisterly.

He pulls the cigarette away after a few seconds and I start sobbing.

" Shut up!" He screams, spit hitting my face.

I can't see through my tears, but I hear the lighter and soon I can smell the cigarette smoke.

" Please, stop!" I plead, but it goes unnoticed.

He puts the cigarette out on my right arm, and I feel the heat travel up my arm.

I let out an ear piercing scream, and struggle, but with his other hand, my father slaps me across the face.

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