Chapter 42

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I wake up to the alarm clock going off.
" Shh." I mumble to the alarm before turning it off.
I gently get out of bed and wrap the bedsheet around me, and walk toward the closet. I grab JJ's grey muscle shirt, a pair of Jean shorts, and my towel before quietly sneaking to the bathroom and taking a quick shower.
I change into my clothes, brush my hair, and brush my teeth. I look at myself in the mirror and see that some of my bruises are starting to fade, but that JJ gave me a couple of hickeys, and I kind of like them. I panic for a second, thinking that JJ might have seen my cuts, but then I remember that my bruises cover them. It's kind of weird how every time we have had sex I am covered in bruises. I put on some mascara before going back into my room and setting the sheet, and my towel down. I walk over to JJ and gently straddle him. I kiss him gently on the neck and I feel him stir under me. I kiss him a couple more times before he wakes up.
" Good morning." I say, before kissing him.
" Good morning." He replies, his voice deeper than usual from sleep, and it turns me on a bit.
" That is a great way to wake up." He mumbles, gently grabbing my hips and moving them back and forth on top of him, making us both horny.
He sits up against the headboard and starts kissing my neck, probably leaving even more hickeys.
I through my head back and moan quietly. Out of the corner of my eye I see that it's 7:50 Am, and then I remember that I have work in 10 minutes. Panic runs through me and I jolt up and off of the bed.
" Shit." I curse to myself, looking for a pair of gym shoes.
" What're you doing?" JJ asks, confused, and slightly annoyed.
" I have to work in ten minutes." I explains, trying to get my shoes on.
" But we were doing something." JJ complains.
" I know but I have to go." I explain, looking at him while putting my last shoe on, noticing his going hard on.
" Just call off." JJ whines, clearly frustrated that I'm leaving him hot and bothered.
" I can't, I don't have a lot of vacation or sick days left, and I'm saving them for when we go to get the gold." I explain.
" Come on." JJ groans, throwing his head back in frustration.
" I know, I'm sorry." I say quickly, before rushing over to him and quickly kissing him.
" Alright, I love you, bye!" I yell, grabbing my bag and keys, and running to the front door.
" What am I supposed to do about this!" He yells, referring to his hard on.
" Use your hand!" I yell, running to my car and getting in.
I start my car and immediately my AC stops working and starts blowing out hot air. I just turn it off and blast music on my way to work.

Time skip to 12 pm

I finish serving a customer and head to the kitchen to check on another customers food.
I check the time.
" 1 more hour." I mumble to myself. 1 more hour until I get to go home, buy and change my brakes, and change my oil, but then I get to relax.
   I take a finished burger out to a customer before hearing someone come into the restaurant. I just walk back to the kitchen before I look up and see Rafe standing at the counter, looking me dead in the eye.
The host sits him in my section, of course.
I look around for the rest of his goon squad, but it's just him. I brace myself for the worst but just pretend that he's a random customer that I've never seen before.
" Hi, I'm Makena, I'll be your server today. Can I get you something to drink?" I ask in my best customer service voice, but I know that my face is showing that I'm annoyed.
" Hey babe, I'll get a root beer." Rafe says, looking me up and down, sending a shiver down my spine, but not the good kind.
" Sir, please do not call me babe, and yes I can get that for you." I say sharply, before quickly walking away, but before I can get far he grabs my left arm harshly.
" You know, I love it when you call me sir."He says, smirking at me.
" Let go off me." I say, abandoning professionalism before yanking my arm out of his grip and walking off to get his drink.
I can't believe him, showing up here. It's definitely a scare tactic. I grab a cup and fill it up with warm root beer, and I don't put any ice in it. I catch a glimpse of my arm and realize that Rafe's grip left a mark on my arm.
I walk back over with his drink before roughly putting it down on the table.
" Can I get some ice." He asks in a annoyed tone.
" The ice machine is broken." I lie, but I just love being petty.
" Can I get you anything to eat?" I ask, pulling out my notepad.
" I'll get a bacon cheeseburger, a side of fries, and your number." He says, anger and lust slipping into his voice.
" How do you want your burger cooked?" I ask, letting my anger slip out in my voice.
" Medium well." He answers.
" I'll be back with a bacon cheeseburger, medium well, and fries." I say, walking into the kitchen quickly.
" I need a bacon cheeseburger, rare, and a side of fries, but make sure the fries are the burnt or undercooked ones please?" I tell the cook.
" No problem, MJ." He replies with a quick smile.
I wait for his food to be done before quickly rushing it to his table. I set it down and walk away.
I check the time and see that it's only 12:20. I still have 40 minutes left of my shift. After helping a few more customers, I look over and see that he's done with his food, so I wait five minutes before walking over to him.
" Are you done?" I ask.
" Yes." He answers, clearly out of patience from having to wait.
" Do you want the dessert menu or?" I ask, grabbing his plate.
" Yeah, and don't forget your number this time." He says.
" Okay." I say, walking his plate to the kitchen sink, before grabbing a little dessert menu. I grab a napkin and a pen and start writing ' 1 (708) suckadick' before folding the napkin and putting it in the menu.
" Here you go." I say, handing him the menu and walking away.
I look at him from the counter and watch as the anger takes over his face as he reads the napkin.
I walk back over to him after helping 2 other customers.
" What do you want for dessert?" I ask dryly.
" First of all, you'll regret your little note." He threatens, lowering his voice to seem more intimidating.
"Secondly, a scoop of vanilla ice cream." He answers.
" Of course you pick the blandest, most boring, flavor." I mumble under my breath.
" What was that, sweetheart?" He asks loudly, clearly angry.
" I said ' of course you pick the most boring flavor'. That loud enough for you?" I repeat, raising my voice so that the tables around us look at us quickly.
Rafe glares at me for a second. I walk away to get his dessert. I check the time again, it's 12:50, just 10 more minutes. I scoop his dessert into a bowl, and take it to him.
" Here you go." I say and I turn to walk away but he grabs my arm again, in the same spot, but harder, making me wince.
" I'll take the check." He says, before letting go of my arm.
" No problem." I say, grabbing his check from the pocket in my apron.
" Here." I say tossing it on the table before walking away again.
I wait in the kitchen for a minute, and he's already done with his ice cream.
I walk back over and take his check and his payment from him.
" Have a horrible day." I say, while walking away from him.
He doesn't respond, he just glares at me and leaves.
I lock out and walk to my car, but I see that he's still in his car, looking right at me from his car, which is right next to mine, and he has his windows down.
" You better watch your back, tell your boys that too!" He yells from his car, but I ignore him.
I turn my car on and plug in the aux and start blasting Big Sean's " I Don't Fuck With You" and start rapping along before pulling out of my parking spot, flipping him off, and driving away.

A/N: I'm sorry it took so long for me to update, I had some family drama and I rewrote it because I didn't it the first time I wrote it. Please don't forget to vote and comment. Also if you see any typos or anything comment and I'll fix it.

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