Chapter 12

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" No, I can't forget it, because I feel the same way." He tells me, grabbing my face to make me look at him.

His words echo in my head. Why does he feel the same way? There are so many girls out there that are better than me in every way, but he likes me? For some reason, I can't help but question it. He pulls his hand away.

" Really?" I ask, surprised that anyone could feel that way about me.

" Yes, really." He tells me, looking me right in the eye.

" Why?" I ask, still not fully believing him.

" Because you're always there for me, you make me laugh, you know me better than I know myself. You never judge me and make me feel bad. You never make me feel less than. When you're around I feel at peace, at home. And when you're gone I miss you more than I have missed anyone or anything. It's not just those things or individual things that make me love you, it's just like everything about you." He explains softly.

I start to believe him, I start to think that maybe someone can like me this way, maybe I am worth it, because when I think about it like the person he is describing isn't me, she sounds great. When it is me, it is a rocky belief. But I ignore my insecurities and decide that for the second night in a row, it's time to go for it.

I grab his face gently before softly pressing his lips against mine. After a second, we both pull away.

I pull away for a second, when he pulls me back. Kissing me passionately, I can feel the lust in his touch. After a minute of making out, we pull away for air.

" I have been waiting for a very long time to do that." He says, smirking. I giggle back.

We talk and watch tv for a while before JJ heads home to get clothes. After he leaves, I fall asleep on the pullout sofa at around 2Am.

Time skip to morning ( When the cops go to JB's house, or actual show stuff instead of stuff I make up completely)

I feel someone shake me awake, I open my eyes to see the Sheriff standing above me.

" What the hell!" I say.

" John B!" I yell out.

" What's wrong Makena?" JB asks, worry on his face, as he comes stumbling out of his room.

" Get decent, sweetie, we need to talk." She tells John B.

" I am decent." He mumbles, still half asleep.

I have not moved when she leans against the wall and starts talking.

" Sorry to break in like this, but DCS called. They wanted me to check on you, see how you were doing." She explains.

He's doing fine, other than almost getting drowned by Topper. I say in my head.

" So how are you? Besides the?" She asks, gesturing to her eye.

" I'm great, fantastic, uh. Thanks for comin' by." He tells her, trying to get her to leave.

" I'm so glad to hear that, John B. But I heard a few things that worried me." She says, while JB walks around, picking up beer bottles.

" Let me see if I can remember," She continues. " Oh, yeah. One of the things I heard was that your Uncle Teddy, your guardian, hasn't been in the state for 3 months." She says, and I start to panic because I don't want JB to go away, yet I still sit on the couch.

" Oh, that's false." John B tries to explain.

" You don't have to say anything. I know it's true, I called the school. They said you used to be a good student but now you're failing all your classes." She says, picking up the end of a joint and sniffs it. Then I really start to panic because I don't want to be the reason JB gets sent away.

" No, no, I'm only failing one, and it's history, he's a dick, he's out for me." John B explains.

" I heard there was a fight on the beach 2 days ago, and a knife and gun were involved." She continues, getting closer to him.

" okay, gun? knife?" JB asks sarcastically "No," He says, patting her shoulder.

" Did I get into a dustup? Yes. But was there a knife or gun?" he says, scoffing, " No, no way." He explains, walking around and putting beer bottles into a garbage can.

" That's okay, I know who it was. I'll get to him. All I'm worried about right now is that you're in a safe home." She explains. My heart drops, thinking about JJ getting arrested.

" He is in a safe home, the doors have locks and everything." I butt in.

" Be quiet or I'll start asking how you got bruises everywhere, okay?" She tells me.

" Ok." I answer, as she turns back to John B.

" Yeah, it's super safe. Super sound, study." He says while knocking on a table. " Ya know what I mean." He tells her and she adopts a confused look.

" Uncle T's coming back so-" JB starts but is cut off.

" Is that what he told you?" She asks.

" Yeah." He answers.

" If he is coming home, I think you should be allowed to stay." She explains.

" Thank you." John B says.

" But if I stick my neck out for you, you have to help me, Tit for Tat." She tells him

" What does Tat mean?" John B asks while scratching his head.

" Let me see? How can you help me?" She asks rhetorically. " Oh, I know.

So a body was found in the marsh yesterday, Were you in the marsh yesterday?" She asks.

" Yeah, we were fishing for some drum." John B answers.

" You catch anything?" She asks.

" Nah, we were skunked." John B answers.

" Strange, fishing's usually good after a storm. All sorts of things get stirred up." She says.

" You come across a wreck yesterday?" She asks, stepping closer to JB.

" No." John B says.

" You skimmin' just about the surface, John B.'' She tells him. Making her hand flat in the air.

" Now, down here," She says, making her finger swirl under where her hand was previously. " Is foster care, juvie. Pretty big drop for a smart kid like you.

" Up here," She starts, holding her hand up above where she put it the first time. " Is you and your little friends doing whatever you guys want." She says pausing. "Outer Banks." She says keeping her hand up. " Or foster care on the mainland." She tells him, putting her hand down lower.

JB sits down next to me on the sofa.

" You 1 inch above the surface, John B. If I was you, I'd start flapping my wings. Now, you sure you didn't come across a wreck yesterday?" She asks again.

" Yeah, yeah, I'm sure." He tells her.

She gets down to his level.

" Cause it's better if you didn't, you understand?" She asks/tells him.

" I'm gonna look the other way, as long as you stay out of the marsh." She tells him, getting up and heading to the door before turning around.

" I got dogs livin' better than this, John B. You might wanna think about cleanin' up." She tells him before leaving.

I hug him as a way to comfort him, before getting up; taking pain pills, and showering.

I put on a blue bikini , white tank top, some jean shorts, and my white slip on vans. I don't bother doing my makeup because my face is covered in bruises and one of my eyes is black. I put my hair in a ponytail before packing my bag. I put pepper spray, a knife, JJ's gun, an extra shirt and shorts, the pain meds, my car keys, and some weed in the bag before I am ready to go.

A/N: Hi! I hope you are doing good. Please vote if you like it. Please comment, it makes my day and I like knowing what you think of the story. Thank you for reading, I love you!

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