Chapter 65

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" Pope, finally." Kie sighs, walking towards the door. Suddenly she stops, not even passing the boat yet.

" Hey there, what's going on?" Someone says, and immediately my blood runs cold. I recognize that voice immediately, it's been haunting my nightmares. I look up and see Rafe standing there in a dirty teal t-shirt and board shorts.

" JJ, how you guys doin?" Rafe asks, as Kiara turns and runs back towards me and JJ.

Rafe jumps on top of The Phantom when we hear a whistle from behind us. Barry walks out from behind the car.

" Well, well, well." Barry says dramatically as he slowly stalks towards us.

I can hear Rafe getting closer from behind and I look over my shoulder at him. I hear a gun cock and I snap my head back towards Barry, and see that he has his gun directed straight at JJ. We both quickly put our hands up, and JJ steps slightly closer towards me.

" See, don't think I forgot about you and me on the side of the road." Barry says. " I'm here because I want my motherfuckin' money!" Barry yells, throwing JJ to the floor.

" Get off of him!" I yell as I swing to punch Barry as hard as I can, but he dodges and punches me right in the mouth, which makes me fall onto the hard concrete.

" My money! That's what I'm here for!" Barry yells as he lifts JJ by the back of his head, before dropping him harshly.

I get up and rush at Barry again. I punch him right in his cheek but it barely phases him and he quickly kicks me in my stomach, knocking me right back down.

JJ starts to slowly get up but Barry kicks him back down.

" Stay down, boy." Barry warns.

" Listen," Barry starts, kicking JJ in his ribs. " Where is my money?! Huh?" Barry yells, grabbing JJ by his hair and lifting his head only to punch him back down.

" I know where your money is!" I yell, trying to get the attention off of JJ.

" You wait right here." Barry quips at JJ, dropping him back onto the floor while I get back up.

" And where is my money?" Barry asks me, walking towards me, stopping only when he's less than a foot in front of me.

" Right up your ass." I answer, smirking as I feel the blood drip from my lip. I quickly swing at Barry but he grabs my arms and kicks my legs out from underneath me, making me fall once again.

" You wanna play games?!" Barry yells as he kicks me. " Where the fuck is my money, bitch!" Barry yells, grabbing me by my hair and lifting my head off the ground.

" Are you sure you didn't just misplace it? It must be hard to keep track of everything in that crackhouse." I ask sarcastically, smirking as I can see the anger rise in his eyes.

" You think you real funny, huh? Let's see how many jokes you make when you're back with your dad." Barry says, backhanding me. He roughly drops me on the ground before landing a kick to my ribs.

JJ rushes him and tackles him to the ground, landing a couple hits before Barry pushes him off. They both stand up and trade hits before Barry gets the upper hand, and throws JJ back to the floor.

" Stay down, boy!" Barry yells.

I can hear Kiara yelling at Rafe and I turn my head to see Rafe's hand wrapped around her throat. Pope appears from behind them with a metal pipe and hits Rafe in his back, which allows Kiara to step away and catch her breath.

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