Chapter 5

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Makena's POV (next day)

" I love you too, Wheeze." Sarah says, hanging up the phone and setting it on the table in front of us. I get up and quickly grab the phone, already typing JJ's number in. 

" Yo, what you doin, man? I only got a couple minutes left on that thing." Cleo says angrily, getting up and walking towards me. She goes to grab the phone from my hand when I put it behind my back, keeping it out of her reach.

" Well I need to make a call." I retort, and she steps toward me, getting in my face.

" Give me the phone before I cut up that pretty little face." She threatens, reaching for the phone but I slap her hand away.

" You need to back the fuck up off me, I'm calling whether you like it or not." I say, pushing her back. She goes to get close to me again but John B gets in between us. 

" Look, just let her call, we'll all be able to afford unlimited plans once we get this gold." John B says, trying to de-escalate the situation. 

" Whatever, man. All I know is she touch me again I'll slit her fuckin' throat." Cleo says, storming off into the house. 

" Why do you have to be so temperamental, Mj? You're lucky she didn't kill you." John B says, scolding me. 

" Whatever, I gotta go call JJ." I say, walking away so no one can hear my conversation.

I retype JJ's number in, and I can feel the anxiety building as the line rings. I swear to god he better answer this time.

" Please, please, please." I mumble under my breath, pacing back and forth as the phone continues to ring.

" Hello?" I hear JJ say, and I let out a sob of joy. 

" JJ, it's me." I say, my voice shaking.

" Who is this? What kinda fucking asshole pulls a prank like this! I swear to god I will find you and fuckin-" He begins, and I can hear to anger and pain in his voice.

" JJ, it's me, Makena. How else would I know that you secretly love 'The Notebook' and that you cry every time we get to the end when they both die together." I say, laughing even as tears run down my face.

" Holy shit! It's really you."  He says, and I can hear his voice shake. " What happened? John B said you didn't make it to Nassau with them. Everyone thought you were dead." He asks. 

" I didn't make it with them, I got picked up by another boat and I got dropped off on a different island. I tried calling you as many times as I could but you didn't answer your phone." I explain. 

" I'm so sorry, babe. I didn't know." He says, and I can tell he's crying. All I want to do is hold him and wipe his tears, and my heart hurts knowing that I can't, and that it's my fault that I'm not with him.

" It's okay. I'm sorry too." I say, leaning against the wall, sliding down until I'm sitting on the floor. 

" I missed you so much, y'know. You've never left my mind." JJ says, his voice cracking slightly from tears.

" I never stopped thinking about you either. I'm so sorry I left, J." I say.

" It's alright, just get back here, soon." He says, and I let out a small chuckle.

" I'm trying, I just have no idea when I'll be able to get home." I explain.

" I know, just get back here as fast as you can. We all need you back." He says, and suddenly I feel the phone buzz against my face. I quickly pull the phone away and see that Wheezie has sent over the information we need.

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